Why a website can not be worth 500 dollars

Your web page was designed and programmed by a cousin of yours from Cuenca who is very crafty? Do you have a website because all the companies have one? Did you execute it without formulating objectives? Do you know how many visits you receive on your website and where they come from? Do you want to open a profile on Facebook or Twitter but have not reviewed your website in the last 5 years?

If you have answered “Yes” to almost all of these questions, your website may not be contributing to the smooth running of your business.

Keep calm, all is not lost … Countless companies that perform competitive bidding for the execution of their website choose their provider based on the price. We are going to be brave and we are going to shout it loud and loud: the price IS firmly linked to the quality and results of a website!

It is our intention to show you the reasons why a quality website can not cost $ 500, unless you do a series of previous works before your agency starts with the design and programming tasks. For this we can highlight some guidelines and recommendations.

Investigate the websites of the competition

It is amazing to discover how many things you can learn by browsing the pages of your rivals!
In them you will find brilliant ideas, and many others that will make you alleviate that sense of guilt for having your web outdated, for its scarce usability or quality: outdated news, flash schedules, obsolete designs … and many other factors that will make you open well eyes to not repeat those errors on your own site.

Study your SEO positioning

There are numerous formulas to know if your website is well positioned against the competition, such as the study of keywords in Google Adwords, or SEO audit pages, among others.

Set goals

Take a pencil and paper and think about the reasons that lead you to have a web page: do you want to get clients? Do you want to get notoriety? Do you want to create a community? Do you want to sell? … Many different objectives give rise to the next step:

How will you achieve your goal? Draw strategies

Once your objectives have been defined, write step by step the measures to be taken: content to highlight, web structure, how you will direct the visitor to the sections with the most strategic interest, etc.

Planning of structure and contents

You already know what you want to do and how you’re going to do it, so it’s time to get down to work and define the most appropriate structure aligned with your goals.

If your budget is tight you will not be able to hire a language consultant, so spend a generous time writing the texts, use good language and check spelling mistakes.

Finally remember that the design has to go according to your brand image. Do not invent new corporate colors or logos, unless you want to do a restyling!

Briefing to the agency

For everything to be perfect, you must dedicate some time to write a clear summary of all the above: analysis of the competition, objectives, strategies, structure and contents and images to be included for later, put in common with designer and programmer.

Quantity, quality and order of the work information will be key for the project to be executed in optimal conditions of time and following firmly your marked guidelines.

Launch and control

Weeks of work and effort can not be thrown overboard. Therefore, once your website is posted on the server you should keep a regular check of the results obtained.

How many people visit your website? Do they come from search engines or direct traffic? What has been the route you have made through the site? How long have they stayed? You must manage and interpret this data to perform corrective actions if necessary.

Quantify …

We already know what we must do to make our website effective and meet objectives.
So we are forced to return to the initial question …

How long it can take you to do the 7 tasks we have proposed, two, three, four weeks? Do you have knowledge and experience in analysis, drawing objectives and strategies? How much is your time worth? Can you vacate your work obligations to dedicate this quality time to your website?

If the answer is no, and you have read this article until the end, you will understand that the specialized agencies can not afford to charge $ 500 for making a quality web page.

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