Category Archives: Business Management

Why a website can not be worth 500 dollars

Your web page was designed and programmed by a cousin of yours from Cuenca who is very crafty? Do you have a website because all the companies have one? Did you execute it without formulating objectives? Do you know how many visits you receive on your website and where they come from? Do you want to open a profile on Facebook or Twitter but have not reviewed your website in the last 5 years? Continue reading Why a website can not be worth 500 dollars

In Social Networks there is no place for cowards

It is always risky to face a new challenge, a new situation, because we never know how our audacity can end.

However, whoever does not take risks does not go through the sea, as the saying goes, and, in these times, it is important to be aware of the need to undertake, to be creative and to try to differentiate ourselves from others. Continue reading In Social Networks there is no place for cowards

Interest or convenience: Are fans of brands really fans?

If there is something of vital importance for companies, that is to reach their target audience effectively, both as potential customers and existing ones.

Companies strive every day more with this goal to create a user experience as complete as possible to, in this way, create the long-awaited customer relationship with her. For this, brands are forced to interact as closely as possible with their community, and, in the case in which the community responds, the motive must be considered. Continue reading Interest or convenience: Are fans of brands really fans?

The users value in a very positive way a good customer service in social networks

At this point we have all learned the great utility that social networks have for different companies, not only as a means of promotion and to achieve a better brand image, but to relate more effectively with our customers.

The users that follow a brand in Social Networks expect a personalized and impeccable treatment, as well as a very fast response, as there are no obstacles between them and the brand, unless the person in charge of managing the community is not at that moment, topic that we will address in another post. Continue reading The users value in a very positive way a good customer service in social networks

Network phobia, symptomatic illness of CEOs and companies

There is a constant that always arises when you talk about social networks. People mostly know what they are, but there is a certain phobia in a special segment of the population towards it: entrepreneurs.

When I have talked with entrepreneurs about social networks, they are fascinated by their scope, see their growth, the number of people who use them daily and see something that is beyond their comprehension: how to use them to make money. Continue reading Network phobia, symptomatic illness of CEOs and companies

It is a priority to catch up and quickly learn to manage online reputation

The reputation of companies, that is, the prestige or esteem that consumers have of them, has undergone a series of changes in recent years, especially due to the emergence of social networks.

Thus, the traditional “word of mouth” has been digitized, making users speak freely on the Internet about brands in a positive and negative way, making all of this a new challenge for companies. Managing online reputation and acting or reacting accordingly is now a great litmus test. Continue reading It is a priority to catch up and quickly learn to manage online reputation

Maybe it’s time to rethink the approach to mobile advertising

Mobile advertising is fashionable. However, 79% of users say that the ads on their mobile devices are intrusive. How can you fight against it, making the user feel involved and increasing conversions?

Fjord, leading consultant in digital design services, believes that the consumer experience should be at the center of advertising, so that the user feels more involved than interrupted. After all, the less irritated the user, the more clicks he will make. But to reach this point, we do not necessarily have to start from scratch. Continue reading Maybe it’s time to rethink the approach to mobile advertising

In social networks it takes a lot of work and time to achieve the desired notoriety

With a detailed tour of the Social Media Marketing scenario, Lucas Aisa reveals the keys for companies to bet on a presence and active participation in social networks. A clear strategic vision together with a sincere and humble attitude in Social Media will favor a more positive, solid and social customer experience that, far from being enjoyed in private, will be shared, becoming “our best possible communication campaign”. Continue reading In social networks it takes a lot of work and time to achieve the desired notoriety

40% of Mobile Ads are accidental or fraudulent

The study published by the Apps marketing platform, Trademob, reflects that 40% of the clicks generated in mobile advertising do not add any value to the advertiser, because they are accidental or fraudulent. The monitoring and analysis of results of mobile advertising campaigns is one of the major concerns of advertisers. Continue reading 40% of Mobile Ads are accidental or fraudulent