The challenges of Social Media start from within and not from outside the company

It is curious that when we talk about social media mistakes we think that all of them are due to bad practices, lack of planning, an unclear and defined strategy, certain ways of acting or the misuse of the different channels at our disposal to achieve our goals. However, when something fails, or when certain companies or brands fail to generate the impact that many others successfully achieve in social networks through hard work, we think that this is usually due to some of the most common and widespread mistakes.

The challenges of Social Media start from within and not from outside the companyIt is already a topic that “to succeed in social networks is not enough to be” but it is also necessary beyond the virtues of the channels themselves and their participants, that those responsible for companies are 100% confident and convinced of the Possibilities and capacities of these channels and how these can help your business. And is that according to a recent IBM study, half of marketing managers ignore web 2.0 in their strategies, and of course, so it is difficult to achieve relevance and notoriety.

Mainly there are two barriers to overcome by many companies and brands, one of them is undoubtedly surrender to the reality of power and the potential of social media, the second and not least, is to lose the scenic fear to face the Voices of its most critical consumers. And of course, hiding or denying reality is not the right solution.

And yes, many companies whose marketing managers maintain this thinking are part of this immersed social ecosystem but without actually taking action. Without interacting, without actively participating and the worst yet, without listening. It is like recognizing clearly and saying “we do not give a damn what consumers think or think”. If this is the philosophy of his unfounded company by the mistaken belief their marketing manager, meditates to sign his release form and become a social enterprise led by leading professionals ambitious and able to accept the challenge of dealing with web 2.0.

Obviously this decision should not be taken by a difference of opinion, but by the real needs of meeting the new habits of consumers who do want to establish a relationship with companies and brands, and are willing to offer their loyalty in exchange for a better Communication, faster and more efficient solutions and greater attention when they want to be heard by these channels. Ask these marketing managers if their companies have action plans to manage reactions and negative comments or if they are prepared to face a crisis of reputation in social networks.

Only a decade ago, many companies also adopted this position and thought then that that being on the internet or have a website was totally unnecessary, ineffective and irrelevant. It was then said that “if you are not on the Internet you do not exist”. Today this premise acquires a greater dimension because its company is not that it is less visible, is that it runs a great risk and is losing many opportunities.

Think about it, the challenges of Social Media start from within and not from outside your company.

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