The Inbound Marketing Recipe

We live in a turmoil marketinally speaking: schemes that have so far proved foolproof begin to show signs of exhaustion, and techniques based on direct client persuasion decay in effectiveness. Given this scenario, it becomes evident the need for a paradigm shift that focuses on the way companies approach their customers.

In order to respond to this reality, the so-called inbound marketing is born that poses a new way of attracting the customer. Instead of overwhelming with multiple advertising impacts (“killing flies to cannon”), inbound marketing uses different marketing techniques to access the client in a non-intrusive way. This discipline is part of the pull paradigm, according to which the customer is interested in the brand and decides to initiate the contact.

But, what are the keys to attraction marketing? It is enough with a good dose of quality content, an effective SEO / SEM strategy and the viral effect that is generated through social networks.

The Inbound Marketing RecipeContent is King

Logically, customers want to find what they are looking for and, for this to be possible, what better than to work a good landing page strategy? The so-called landing pages allow you to segment the contents of our generic page to attract qualified traffic.

In addition, the content of each of our landing page must be of high quality. It will not be useful to capture users if they arrive at the microsite receive information that does not meet their expectations. That is why it is very important to study the behavior of our user on the web, to know what is the most interesting content and what the commercial levers, and to create content that meets their needs. To this will be added the need for the page to contemplate criteria of usability and user experience.

Unity is strength: SEM & SEO strategy

The SEM positioning is essential in attraction marketing: it allows us to quickly position ourselves in the first search results and, if we have some slight notions, to get conversions from the first day. The problem? That as soon as the investment finishes we lose the positions reached.

For this to not happen, we must optimize our campaign well. Creating campaigns for each theme group, choosing a long tail keyword that fits your business, choosing a copy based on the AIDCA model, testing the ads and targeting the target audience are some things you need to keep in mind to ensure effectiveness Of our campaign.

On the other hand, and even a medium or long-term technique, inbound marketing should not neglect the natural positioning in search engines. To help create a good SEO strategy, we must pay attention to the keywords we choose to position our website: we must choose words that are attractive, with a good level of search and a volume of affordable competition. In addition, connecting to the previous point, the content must have quality and bring value to the set of searches generated by that particular result. If this content also combines different resources (images, video, documents, etc.), its value for search engines increases. Finally, we can not forget the fundamental aspects of SEO On Page, as well as a good link building policy that prioritizes quality over quantity.

Social networks and their viral effect

Social networks become the ideal channel to spread our contents. But this is not the only value that these channels bring to attraction marketing, but it is also important to highlight its key role in building community and creating brand image (branding).

In short, social networks become a good magnet to attract users and drive traffic to our content.

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