When visitors come to your business, it is important that they are greeted in the right way. This will help to ensure that they are talking to others about your business in a positive light. One in three people tell others if they have had a bad experience with a business and you want to avoid this happening to you where possible.
Make sure that you have your reception area clearly signposted from your car park so visitors know what direction they are going in. This helps them to navigate their way to your reception where they can then be greeted by your receptionists.
Have your receptionist greet them with a smile. In order to ensure site safety and the safety of your staff and visitors you can use a Visitor Management System UK company like https://www.ofec.co.uk/visitor-management-system-uk.aspx to give you a management systemt o monitor the coming and going of your business visitors. This also helps to make your visitor feel valued and cared for. Be sure to give them a badge of some description or another so it is clear to your staff that they are a visitor.
Make your entire work environment as welcoming as possible for all visitors and where you can. Notify your staff of when visitors will be attending and who they are.