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Creativity and innovation will be key to the success of online video

Demand audiovisual content by users continues to increase. Ooyala indicates that during the first quarter of users consume more online video than ever. A trend that has awakened the interest of the marks on such creations, who did not want to leave the opportunity to link their brand to this content.

One type of actions that, despite paid off very well for video platforms, especially YouTube, do not quite meet the target audience. The strategy to follow brands in the online environment has been to move the conventional advertising format to the new channels, in the form of pre-roll, with or without the possibility that the user could skip them before watching the video they had effectively chosen. So, a few days ago eMarketer established the YouTube turnover registered this year at 5,600 million dollars, which means a 50% increase over the previous year. Continue reading Creativity and innovation will be key to the success of online video