How to write letters of appreciation customers

The letters of thanks to customers are a very effective method loyalty. Discover some tips for writing such messages.

What are the Letters of Appreciation?

Before knowing how to write letters of appreciation to customers, we need to know the specifics of these messages. Is not determined in the “rules of business” at what point it should send a letter of thanks and if not, it all depends on the person or company and what have you to thank, perhaps can be an opportunity to strengthen ties or receive new gifts, recommendations, business, etc.

If you feel the need to send a thank you letter to a customer or supplier, then do it. For example, if you have done a great buy for end of the year or if you have decided to hire a premium service, you can also do.

Do not forget that in the business world to be grateful you can open many new doors, keep you in mind for new operations, remember the gesture and thank them in an interesting way for your company, etc.

When writing messages of thanks to customers you can:

  • Transmit positive feelings
  • Reaffirm took elections
  • Show you how a grateful person and recognizes certain customers
  • Know that there is nothing better than a regular contact with customers
  • Request address to you for any inconvenience

It is not “accepted” in these explicit rules take this letter to new businesses. The one and only reason for this post are to thank a gesture, a purchase, a decision, recruitment, etc.

How to write a customer thank you letters

Now that you know some important questions about writing messages of thanks, it’s time to put to work and write letters. Pay attention to these simple steps and recommendations:

1. Begin the letter with a friendly greeting . If it is a personal or specific letter, do not forget to put the name to whom it is addressed, as this is an important gesture that the recipient will remember in the future. A simple “Dear Mr. Smith” is much better than a “Dear Customer”. So the person reading will know that he is addressing only to her and that is not a standard letter sent to all customers (although really it well).

2. Thanks to this customer for the purchase you made, the contract has decided to do with your business, visit the shop or become a “VIP” consumer. A good phrase is “thank (always plural) their loyalty to our company. Customers like you are what allow us to continue offering good service”. Can you be more specific as you see fit, adding data points of the operation performed.

3. You can tap to report something to the company, very subtle and concise manner. It may be a unique opportunity to be special client or something like that. As stated earlier, remember that letters of appreciation are simply to thank, therefore you can add any relevant information or how to proceed from now, but nothing more.

4. Do not miss the opportunity to keep the loyalty of the consumer. When writing messages of thanks to customers can communicate your wishes to continue doing business with them, so you know that the business relationship does not have to end. How Come?. Makes the customer feel valued, welcomed and that will encourage maintaining the link to your company.

5. If possible, send a note or letter with a small gift. It can be a coupon, for example, a pen with the company logo, etc. Something simple that really show you are grateful and not a simple message that is automatically sent to a machine. This will keep customers coming back again and again to your company.

Tips for writing messages of thanks to customers

Meet the customer’s name. Nothing sends standard or automated messages. Customers, according to market research, they want that address them by name.

Specifies the reason for gratitude. Again, this will make the recipient or just think is a special person and valued within the company is in. Do not just put a ‘thanks for being our customer”, but you can add, “thank you for purchasing the product may or purchased at the local street so”.

Keep track of the customer. A good way is to call or send an email to find out whether it has correctly received the letter. This way, you will also have interesting data, such as whether it has seemed a good gesture from the company that thanks.

Includes brand in the letter and gifts. So you’re advertising informally or indirectly.

Closes with a good phrase. Try not to be too formal with a “carefully” or as informal as to write “beware”. And do not forget that a firm, albeit made with an electronic pen is better than just a name on the computer.

To write messages of thanks to customers you have to be simple, concise and leave a good impression on recipients.

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