The technological and weird world of Microsoft.

Where would we be without the company Microsoft? It has risen to be the most powerful and influential computer technological firm in the world. It has given us one of the first computer language system, MS-DOS, ever to be used on a global stage and giving rise to theĀ  universal system of Windows and its many versions of updates. When it comes to the management of your systems, an IT Support Cheltenham based team like provide IT Support in Cheltenham can certainly provide the support needed. But where did Microsoft come from?

The company gets its name from one half of its creator Bill Gates. He sent a letter to Paul Allen, the other founder, with the words Micro-soft. It’s thought that this is an amalgamation of words microcomputer and software. They started the company in 1976 and it was soon to grow into the large company that it is today. Back then it was customary to produce both the hardware and the operating system but with the invention and coding of MS-DOS Gates and his team had finally found a formula that the general public could get on board with using the simple icons to link to programs and call it Windows. Although it was a rough and basic system, a constant criticism at the time, it was user friendly and meant that for the first time the general public to use and follow a computer without having to have to learn a whole new computer language.

Soon the company began to gain traction. Hardware makers began to have Windows installed into the machine so that it was ready to use the moment it was switched on. IBM and Hewlett Packard were some of the first and it was not long before Microsoft began to attract other interests to work with them. Foremost of this was legendary early Roxy Music member Brian Eno. With the company at the the height of its powers he wrote the famous start up tune to Windows 95 describing the experience as amazing and cementing his own career.

Working for them is one of the strangest experiences to be had by an employee carrying on the quirkiness of the founders. For example drinks are free with Milk and Orange Juice being the most popular plus there are lots of sweeties to be had. With the considerable amount of employees to feed there are thirty five restaurants andĀ  the most favoured food of choice at lunchtime is Pizza

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