Lucky Plants For Business

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese philosophy that focuses on the connection between human life and the environment, is a way to improve your health. Feng Shui aims to harmonise lifestyles with the natural environment by arranging objects and spaces in harmony.

Feng Shui is a way to harness the “chi” or positive energy. Feng Shui is said to positively impact your life.

What are the rules of Feng Shui?

Decluttering is the first step in Feng Shui to achieve harmony. Unorganised or excess material items can stifle positive life energy.

The placement of key furniture items like beds and desks is important. This means that they should not be directly facing the door, but rather far from it.

Choose the right colours and materials to complement natural elements such as wood, metal, earth, water and fire. Mirrors increase natural light and positive energy by reflecting and reflecting it.

What do plants represent in Feng Shui

Feng Shui recommends using plants to bring good fortune and a vibrant energy. They represent growth and prosperity and their placement can increase positive energy flow.

Plants can balance nature’s five elements, boost happiness and well-being, and reduce stress. Feng Shui lucky plants attract wealth, prosperity, and growth.

Best Feng Shui Plants

  1. Philodendron Heartleaf

Philodendron heartleaf is a tropical vine that can be identified by its glossy leaves in the shape of a heart and trailing vines. Feng Shui says it promotes mental relaxation and calmness. The symbolism of love, balance and partnership are also present.

  1. Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos plants (Epipremnum Aureum) have vibrant green foliage that represents growth, renewal and wealth. They enhance energy and positivity in any room.

  1. Jade Plant

The Jade Plant is one of Feng Shui’s most popular front-door plants. The plant is said to attract wealth, prosperity and good fortune. For Plants for Trade, visit

  1. Money Tree

Money Trees (Pachira Aquatica) are popular lucky desk plants. They bring wealth. Money Tree is often given as a gift at corporate events and weddings.

  1. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo plants (Dracaena Sanderiana) enhance the atmosphere of a space and purify it. They are also excellent Feng Shui plants for bedrooms, as they boost good fortune and positive energy.

  1. Lemon Tree

A lemon tree placed in the east brings good health and growth. This is a great Feng Shui tree for new beginnings. It regulates positive energy.

  1. Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese Money Plant is a Feng Shui favourite indoor plant. The Chinese Money Plant is said to bring prosperity and good fortune. It is also a pet-friendly variety of plant that will not harm your pet.

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