As we start to countdown to Christmas, something that many of us forget is that this is a time when we need to be aware of the risks that accompany the festive season. Although it is a time to have fun, being aware of the things that can cause problems at this time of the year is a good idea if you want to enjoy the time of the year. Here are some of them…
Fire – There are many more things that can cause a fire hazard in the festive season – things like fairy lights that are left on are a common source of electrical fires at Christmas time, so make sure that your electrical equipment is safe and don’t leave any lights on unattended.
Burglary – Burglars will make the most of the fact that the hours of darkness are longer as well as the fact that people are not at home as much as they visit family and friends. Make sure you have a good home security system and also be aware of the rubbish that you leave outside such as boxes that contain expensive items. Also be aware of the paperwork you have like receipts and bank statements. It is best to get these destroyed properly by someone like this confidential paper shredding Birmingham based company
Alcohol – This is a time of year for fun and socialising but be aware of how much alcohol you are consuming as it comes with numerous health risks. Keep an alcohol diary so that you can monitor your intake and have at least two days where you don’t drink any per week.