Rubber is primarily a natural material that is harvested from trees, though it can also be manufactured artificially through chemical means. Latex, like rubber, is typically used as a synonym for rubber, though the word really refers to a particular suspension of tiny polymers that are held together by a liquid medium. These are usually produced in Rubber Mouldings like those from Meadex, as opposed to being carved out in wood.
Natural rubber trees are not only harvested from rainforests in Indonesia, but they can be found in other tropical regions as well. After the rubber is extracted from the trees, it is extracted from the bark as well. The manufacturing method of making rubber involves the process of heating the raw materials, such as rubber, and heating them up until they become soft enough to be shaped into thin sheets. Once the sheets are ready, they are passed through a variety of furnaces until they have been transformed into a thick, vulcanising powder. The practical solutions provided by rubber is immense and has been planet changing.
We see natural rubber on products ranging from linings and mattress stuffing to road sealants and air ducts. It is commonly used in the automotive parts industry as well as in the petroleum and petrochemical industries. Synthetic rubber is cheaper to produce and is more durable than natural rubber. Many people consider rubber to be the most inexpensive and versatile synthetic material available to consumers.