For businesses to truly thrive in today’s digitally focused society, a compellingly designed website is essential. A number of studies have shown that a well-designed site with a clear focus will generate a greater amount of traffic and subsequently an increase in custom. With this in mind, what qualities should a website possess in order to be considered a success and are those qualities different to those from a couple of years ago back in 2014?
Perhaps the biggest change has been in the way people get online. In recent years, the huge increase in the number of ways people can access the internet has given rise to a need for responsive web sites. A responsive site provides the optimal viewing experience for a wide range of devices, from desktop computers and laptops, to smartphones and tablets. The BBC News site is one such organisation which has embraced the idea of responsive websites.
While The Telegraph recently revealed some of the worst web designs currently in existence, here are just a few examples of the very best from 2014, many of them embracing the need for responsive capabilities.
Time Magazine
One of the world’s foremost publications, Time Magazine has a tremendous amount of content to fit on to its official site. This makes the clear, uncluttered feel of the site even more remarkable and impressive. The designers of the Time website have not been afraid to use plenty of white space in order to create an uncluttered and professional aesthetic.
Harvard University
Much like many modern designers, such as the Manchester web design agency, Harvard University has embraced the responsive revolution with gusto. The responsive features of the official Harvard University site prove that the centuries-old institution is willing to move with the times.
Initially, the official site of the coffee mega-chain may seem a little simplistic but this belies the true power which lies within. The site scores very high marks for its user-friendliness, the various search features being an absolute joy to manoeuvre through. The simple design also proves that the old adage ‘less is more’ still rings true today.
One of the key unique selling points of Mashable is the continuously updated content available to visitors. For a lesser-designed site, this continual stream of new content could prove problematic in aesthetical terms. However, the Mashable site manages to maintain a clean and clear look, while making it easy for visitors to find all of the brand new content they desire.
As already mentioned, the BBC have been quick to embrace responsive design traits for their official website. What makes their site stand apart from others is their clever use of photographic content. Anyone using the site is immediately drawn to the various photos, set as they are against a stark white background. This very clever design tactic ensures that each link or story receives a great deal more hits than would be achieved through text alone.