Coupons are a time to this part a great alternative to save and find authentic online chollos. Thus, mobile users are launched to hunt and capture discount coupons, armed with their smartphone. EMarketer indicates that by the end of the year about 100 million (96.6) adults in the United States will use digital coupons; A figure that will be exceeded during 2014.
The report, called “Cheapskates Online: How the New Normal Takes Advantage of New Technology” highlights the smartphone’s role in encouraging the use of these discounts. It is expected that the number of users using mobile coupons will exceed 40 million by the end of this year. A trend that will increase, as the smartphone market does, so that if currently half of consumers who use the coupons does it through their mobile, in 2015 will be 6 out of 10.
Coupons and mobiles, a new inseparable tandem
In addition to redeeming coupons, mobile is also a tool that customers use to save money when shopping; Especially to compare prices. The AYTM Market Research study conducted in January indicates that 42.7% of Internet users in the United States compare prices most of the time before buying, 21% always do and 26.5% half The occasions.
This great savings utility is also the main advantage of users when it comes to mobile applications, according to the opinion of 67% of participants in the study of Adobe Systems, made in December.
Discounts remain a great attraction for both traditional consumers and new mobile buyers. Recently Ipsos OTX indicated that in the United States 70% expected brands to send you coupons or send you free products. In this study, conducted among 24 countries, the global average stood at 52%. Another factor to consider is that women are particularly receptive to this type of incentives (82% versus 57%).