I think almost all marketers are clear that the video is a terrific channel to connect with potential customers and to transmit and cause great emotions. If we extrapolate this to the big screen, messages can draw from the big blockbusters are of great value.
In each of these films are a great story that masks a great lesson to learn. These great stories are:
1- “The Pursuit of Happyness”: Personally I have a soft spot for this film. In this film we can draw it is what will smith tells his son (also in real life): “Do not let anyone tell you you can not do, even if your father tells you” .Capacity overcoming adversity and management of the protagonist is downright encouraging.
2- “Moneyball”: This film based on a decade baseball explains how his protagonist, manager of a minor league professional team of USA, manages to overcome all possible adversities to make everyone understand that there was a new method to manage teams based on numbers and statistics taken to the extreme. In numbers it was the secret and not the smell of scouts to buildteams. The lesson: “Fight against the establishment if you really think there is a better way to manage a working group”
3- “Margin call”: No film has best narrated the explosion in one night of the financial crisis on Wall Street. At that time they raised the big question to senior leaders: Save the company and the stock market plunge or lose money and save the current business model. The real story we already know, it is everything in business? Is the professional ambition at odds with ethics? “To preserve the balance and order of things we need an ethical code that is above people”
4- “The company man”: This film is well to remind us that safe situations in your working life can vanish from one day to another. To you, like you can touch the protagonist, you retrain completely and start again. Should not lose faith in you can get back on track things, yes, it is highly recommended rid of everything that has us well – off and out again to themarket to earn a living, as we did at the time although with time we become unreceptive to “break stones”.
5- “The Social Network”: The film other than tell how founded Mark Zuckerberg the great social network that is today Facebook, shows much clairvoyance that if you use the people next to you solely for your own purposes surely you will end only. It may end up being a successful trader but you better not lose control of your company because then you do not have anything left to base your life.