Why SMEs should not forget about SEO?

With the irruption of social networks in our day to day many have been the companies that have turned to them and are allocating part of their resources, which in many cases is detrimental to their investment in other strategies such as SEO. This practice is not recommended, since organic search continues to be particularly active and particularly favors small and medium-sized enterprises, especially when it comes to getting new customers.

There is no doubt that search engines are still useful tools and massively used day by day by millions of people around the world. Beyond the rise of social media, search engines are still the most effective way to directly search and access the information we want to find. Therefore, what better than to highlight to take into account, some of the main reasons why SMEs should not forget about SEO.

Let new customers find you

Google records 100 billion searches per month. It is the main source of information on the Internet, so it is important to take care of the optimization for search engines, in order to maximize the presence in the search results and get the largest number of visits from potential customers.

You can reach customers interested in your product, even if they do not know your brand

The great advantage of search engines is that users go to them looking for a product or service, regardless of the brand that offers it. This is a great opportunity for small businesses, which do not have sufficient resources to promote brand awareness. However, if their positioning works well, they will be able to compete on equal terms with the larger companies.

Users who are actively seeking, are more willing to buy

Customers turn to search engines because they really need a product or service. They have already created a need, only remains to find a company that suits their interests. It is a medium that can easily encourage conversion; If the company offers what the customer is looking for, the visit will result in an action by the customer, either a direct purchase, request for a quote or more information.

It’s a place to find answers

Here users can find out what services are around them, or where to buy a certain product. On the other hand, local searches instantly offer the specific information and data that your customers need, such as a phone number, a business address or a customer service schedule. Also, do not forget the smartphone, as a tool to look for information anywhere. 77% of users of these devices use it to search for information, preferably in their closest environment.

Achieving success in social networks is not easy

It requires time and dedication. It is a daily work, which requires many resources and constant innovation. In addition, the results mainly translate into brand awareness, online reputation and engagement.

Sales conversion and ROI take a little longer to get than SEO. This is a very important and necessary activity, but this does not mean neglecting other more profitable a priori activities.

What is more important for your company, SEO or Social Media?

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