Straight to the point. Without introductions of the type: “ARPANET was born in the early seventies …” or “Nowadays, having a web page is fundamental because …” None of this will occupy the following lines. Let’s settle in the now. In the immediate reality of 2013. If we are able to answer affirmatively to the question, Does my company have a corporate website ?, then I would invite you to continue reading this article. If not, a free recommendation: please contact urgently with any web development agency and open the window to the future that has been committed to leave closed.
For those who passed the cut, here are some tips, which will help you get better conversion results on your website.
In short, a fundamental premise for success is, by default, define my success or, in other words, clarify my goals; I want to sell so many articles a month. I want to make known a particular product. I want to register half a million users … Each business offers specific services to meet the needs of its target audience. Now, does our website offer Internet users these services? Is it built specifically to achieve the desired results? Do we provide a simple and straightforward method for our visitors to acquire and generate conversions?
2. Communicate and show our differential value
Without wanting to delve deeper into market concepts, one of the questions that any business that wants to thrive in markets as competitive as the current one should be, would be the differential value it offers its customers . Once defined, we must communicate it and not fall into the trap of thinking that our client already knows. Does our page clearly communicate the differential value? Is it evident in every section of the web?
3. Focus the communication on our product and direct it to the customer
Something that seems obvious and that we sometimes forget. Knowing how to communicate what we sell is knowing how to sell it. Therefore, we must focus exclusively on the services we offer and direct it to our potential clients. Does your website communicate in terms of benefits to the products and services it provides? Does the web answer the question of what our products can do for our customers?
4. Design Aspects: the image as a sales tool
The image counts. Away are the old and boring flat websites of yesteryear, with absence of images, colors and shapes. These have evolved thanks to new technologies such as CSS3 style sheets, @Font Face or jQuery language that offer more dynamic and above all showy possibilities. Which brings us to ask new questions: Do the visual elements of our site, such as color, images, fonts and designs, help to support and improve the image of our organization? Do they bring the customer better vision and attract you to our products and services?
5. Structure the information. Find answers to click hit.
Something that we must take into account when we propose a web structure is that the information must be within the reach of the user in a simple, fast and effective. There should be no interference or unnecessary intermediate steps. We have to hierarchize the information and give priority to the most relevant to the detriment of the most accessory. Then, is the navigation menu of your website in sight and has a clear and specific content? Is the content organized logically? Do we show the most important information first?
6. Product Portfolio.
Another section that should be carefully analyzed and should not be missing on our website is the product portfolio. In it, we will devote all our efforts to show clearly each of the products and services we have in the market. But, do they visually communicate the true value of the product or service? Is it easy for users to navigate through them and find what they need? Does the portfolio respond to what is actually offered?
7. Address your target effectively.
If anything we must be clear from the beginning, it is our target audience. Identifying it is as important as adapting to it. Skipping these rules would only lead to failure. We must meet the expectations of this target and not disappoint, adjusting our communicative and visual style in an efficient and logical. Does your website offer a personalized and relevant experience to your target market? Does it fit your target audience?
8. Optimization
There are 15.2 trillion indexed pages * in the world. A number, at least dizzy, offering an overwhelming offer. When facing your page to the web world, it is necessary to break through and place yourself in the market niche to which you belong. You need to do an optimization exercise to position yourself clearly ( see SEO ) and search engines associate our content with our target market. Does our website respond to the market that is actually looking for content on our pages? Does your website have the keywords that your products or services normally use?
9. Social Media
Social networks have become a powerful communication tool. Few are alien to this new phenomenon that has been dubbed as web 2.0 and from where new channels have emerged. These offer the possibility of communicating bidirectionally target and company. An opportunity that has already become a necessity for many companies to which it maintains a direct contact with its market niche. Do your social networks work in the same direction as your website and reinforce its differential value? Do you offer a social forum to your clients to solve your doubts? Have you defined a strategy for your social networks?
10. Contact Information
Offering the visitor the possibility of contacting our company is, by definition, something that should not be missing on any website. It is only necessary to set the mode. Therefore, we must ask ourselves: Do we know what is the most effective way for our visitors to contact us? Is it easy to get in touch with my company?
Now is the time to analyze and reflect on the previously seen. Those who have been able to give a satisfactory answer, will have a robust website and prepared for the current circumstances of the market. Those who do not, should not be alarmed. Not everything is lost. You can continue with your website, even at the risk of distancing yourself from your competition, or put yourself in the hands of professionals to perform a consultancy and turn your website into the best showcase for your business.