Getting and keeping customers is a task increasingly complex. To do this, the strategy lies not only in the existence of the product, and at an affordable price, but there are many more determinants.
The study published by Marketing Interactions shows that 46% of buyers believe that your shopping experience is unsatisfactory. This frustration causes about 1 in 4 customers prefer to go to the competition, rather than complain at the shop. More than half of customers surveyed (54%) complain that the treatment received by the respondents is not suited to their expectations.
This study refutes the findings in the report “Great Expectations” by Qmatic showed that 72% of customers were not satisfied with the quality of service received, while 82% of retailers hoped that providing a satisfactory experience your clients.
What customers expect to find in stores?
Something as simple as a kind word, and care environment are the main factors valued customers. However, the customer experience is still not a priority. Although 92% of retailers said that ensuring a positive experience for their customers, this figure only goal for the first 53% of them. On the opposite side, 70% of customers considered essential that the company will provide appropriate treatment, up to their expectations.
The customer experience cannot remain a future project, but a reality materialized. 70% of shopping experiences are based on how the customer feels, following contact with the company. One factor that premium over other important aspects such as price. 55% of customers would pay more, if this is will ensure a better service. A negative experience is also the main trigger for the cessation of the relationship with a brand. No less than 89% of customers stopped hiring the services of a company following a bad experience in customer service.
The future going to bring personalization to its best, and serve customers in a timely manner, whether the case of an online or offline transaction. These basic premises the really worrying about their satisfaction are united, their views and show a strong commitment to the need to improve day by day.