Category Archives: Business

All you should know about the Homebuyers Report

If you are buying property, it’s important to know that your future dwelling is structurally sound. For best practice, you should employ a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in order to obtain a Homebuyer Report on the state of your property. This is more detailed than the mortgage valuation which your lender arranges to determine that your abode is worth the price you are paying for it.

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Contents of the Homebuyer Report

The Homebuyer Report explains the property’s condition and will flag up areas that require attention.

It will contain:

– An optional valuation.
– Useful information about your property and where it is located.
– A rebuilding costs estimate (for insurance purposes).
– Details of any drainage, damp-proofing or insulation (without drains testing).
– Damp test results.
– Aspects needing urgent attention.
– Information about major faults.
– Surveyors only look at visible parts of the property. So faults under the floors, in drains or behind walls will not be included.

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For information about different types of survey, see

How to use the Homebuyer Report

The report will give one of three ratings. Condition rating 1 signifies that no repair is necessary, while rating 2 covers flaws that require repairing or replacing but are not urgent or serious, and rating 3 deals with defects that need urgent replacement, repair or investigation. Such as the need to enlist the services of a Blocked Drains Bristol company like if you have a serious drain blockage that is causing issues with your toilets and sinks.

You can get quotes from professionals in the building trade in order to fix the problems raised. If necessary, you can contact the estate agent to negotiate a different price to take account of the required work.

Your surveyor will explain points in the report to you. In fact, you can ask to accompany him as he completes the report in order to talk through the findings on the spot.


Homebuyer Report fees start at £400. It is worth the money as a report can save you costly mistakes further down the line and reduce the amount you pay. You will be able to budget exactly for repairs and plan accordingly.

One in five homebuyers relies on the mortgage valuation alone. This attempt to save money often backfires with people being hit by unexpected repair bills on taking possession of their new home.

Loyalty of clients, do you achieve with an awards program?

The sale under pressure is a paradigm that was left aside 20 years ago, although the efforts to study the client as a consequence of the saturation of the market is at least the decade of the ’70s. At that time, the segmentation began to be essential in order to be more effective in terms of sales and budgets. Continue reading Loyalty of clients, do you achieve with an awards program?

Do we know how to take advantage of our clients opinion polls?

It is becoming less and less rare that, after having had to contact a call center for whatever reason or having carried out an Internet management, we receive an invitation to participate in a quality or service survey in our mailbox. to the client. As marketing professionals, we all recognize the importance of having feedback from our clients and thus be able to take actions according to the information obtained. Continue reading Do we know how to take advantage of our clients opinion polls?

10 keys to improve the Internal Customer Experience

If there is a word that we have not heard in recent years, it is ‘change’. We are increasingly aware that our lives, our businesses or our jobs, to put a few examples, are developed in an environment of constant change.

These changes, added to multiple factors, such as easier access to information, connection with other consumers through social networks, greater experience or new priorities, have made the consumer has evolved and is more demanding, more professional and be better informed than ever. Continue reading 10 keys to improve the Internal Customer Experience

SMEs adopt e-commerce and social media but do not know how to use them properly

A large part of small businesses still see ‘social channels’ and e-commerce as a threat

We all know the importance of social media for organizations and how accelerated growth is expected in terms of its adoption for next year. However, surprisingly, a third of SMEs see e-commerce channels as a threat, according to a new report from Epson, to which we must add that many of them do not understand how Social Media Marketing can help in their business. Continue reading SMEs adopt e-commerce and social media but do not know how to use them properly

Entrepreneurship can be a fatal decision

We live difficult moments and many nations require the urgent application of alternative solutions to face the current complicated economic situation. Promoting entrepreneurial initiative, creativity and innovation is one of the main bets to boost competitiveness in a context of international crisis.

In many countries the world of entrepreneurship is becoming fashionable, little by little it is penetrating among the population. And the truth is that it sounds very good: progress, economic dynamism, creative class, creation of value, growth of the country, etc. Continue reading Entrepreneurship can be a fatal decision

The expensive failure of brands in social networks to not listen to what the customer really needs

Social networks and the sale of strategies, campaigns and actions seem to be on the lips of everyone who is in one way or another involved in this world of marketing and communication. Parodying an old ad of 2006 known to all: what about the client? Continue reading The expensive failure of brands in social networks to not listen to what the customer really needs

How should brands interact and dialogue with customers and consumers?

The power of the consumer has increased substantially. We have witnessed a change in the hierarchies and roles where the client is directly responsible for the influence and reputation of brands.

The harmful effect that the opinion of the consumer can suppose for the brand, is much greater than before and, much more viral, too. Understanding the changes is undoubtedly the first step to establish the way to communicate: Continue reading How should brands interact and dialogue with customers and consumers?