Category Archives: Reviews

5 big trends to know in material engineering

When it comes to engineered products, we often focus more on the end result, but the individual components that make up these items can be just as impressive. Here is a look at five of the trends that will make a big impact on materials engineering in the future.

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Exceptionally thin materials

Graphite is an extremely useful material, but it can be even more beneficial if it’s manufactured into a very thin layer. Scientists have been working for several years to create a layer that is only as thick as a single atom yet is very flexible, light, strong, resistant to oxidisation, flawless and able to carry a charge.

The use of multiferroics

Typically, ferroelectricity and magnetism aren’t exhibited at the same time by the same material, but some materials can achieve this, especially metal oxides. This enables electric fields to be used to store data, which is considerably easier to create than a magnetic field; however, magnetism is still present so the data can be stored in this way, too.

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Electric ink

3D printing technology has come a long way since it was first developed, but there are still many new ways it can be used. Currently, the majority of the applications manufacture prototypes quickly and at a cost-effective price, such as those for silicone hose manufacturers like However, new innovations, such as electric inks, will open up the ways in which this technology can be beneficial. This would allow the printers to produce LEDs, solar cells, antennas and many other electric components.

Improving lithium-ion batteries

Increasing the lithium capacity of electrode materials will enable higher-density batteries to be manufactured, which could then improve the efficiency of electric cars and other products. Scientists have now discovered that if silicon spheres are combined with boron and pores are etched onto them, the resulting battery can store three times the amount of energy and is able to charge in only 10 minutes. Currently, they only work for around 200 cycles, but further improvements are expected.

Nanotube threads

Nanotube pencils have previously been developed that enabled nanotubes to be sketched whenever needed, but they had their limitations. Researchers have not created a nanotube thread that is flexible and long enough and ten times stronger than steel with the conductive power of copper.

Tata renames its hatchback to avoid virus links

Coming up with names for new cars might seem like an easy job, but it is actually fraught with danger. When Indian industrial giant Tata, which makes everything from steel to tea bags, decided to call its latest small hatchback the Zica, it probably seemed like a great idea at the time. This contraction of “Zippy Car” is short, easy to pronounce, and a bit different. You can imagine the congratulatory back slapping in the marketing meeting, they probably broke out a box of the company’s tea bags to make a celebratory brew. Continue reading Tata renames its hatchback to avoid virus links

Marketing and emotions! The key lies in the brain

One element that is marking the brand strategy in recent times and one that has become key to creating a relationship between brands and consumers are emotions. Emotions generate much more powerful links to other items and are, therefore, key companies are using recurrent and remarkable to connect with consumers form. They want the engagement is as high as possible and want the consumer to feel more attached to his brand of what’s what of competing brands. Emotions are a direct way to do so. Continue reading Marketing and emotions! The key lies in the brain

Capturing your share of the ‘grey pound’ catering market

Imagine the perfect advert for your restaurant. What does it look like? The chances are that even if it does not have young people in it, it is probably aimed at them. For the vast majority of people, advertising is aimed at a young, affluent, trendy audience. If this is the case for your business, you might want to think again. Continue reading Capturing your share of the ‘grey pound’ catering market

UK caterers struggling with EU allergen laws

It has now been a year since every catering business, from restaurants and hotels through to mobile caterers and even motorway service stations, have had to record, track, and communicate effectively to their potential customers which food allergens are present in their food. The 14 foods most likely to cause an allergic reaction include nuts, shellfish, and even eggs. Continue reading UK caterers struggling with EU allergen laws

Fire statistics from the Chief Fire Officers Association: alarming reading

Christmas is invariably a busy time for the emergency services. For the fire brigade it’s the second busiest period behind bonfire night. This is a time when most of us relax with friends and family; a time when perhaps fire safety is not foremost in our thoughts. But the risks still exist. Continue reading Fire statistics from the Chief Fire Officers Association: alarming reading

How to write letters of appreciation customers

The letters of thanks to customers are a very effective method loyalty. Discover some tips for writing such messages.

What are the Letters of Appreciation?

Before knowing how to write letters of appreciation to customers, we need to know the specifics of these messages. Is not determined in the “rules of business” at what point it should send a letter of thanks and if not, it all depends on the person or company and what have you to thank, perhaps can be an opportunity to strengthen ties or receive new gifts, recommendations, business, etc. Continue reading How to write letters of appreciation customers