Category Archives: Business Management

The relationship between customers and brands has changed completely

Alicia Calderón is Co-Founder of the initiative MiPrimerTweet. Degree in Business Sciences with more than 13 years of experience in the world of Marketing and Communication both offline and online. His career has been linked to the consumer market and new technologies.

With it we have spoken to address the current panorama of media and social networks in the field of business and especially SMEs. Continue reading The relationship between customers and brands has changed completely

Increased engagement among mobile consumers pushes companies towards mobility

In recent years, several studies have demonstrated a clear relationship between mobile users and targeted traffic to stores and restaurants. The latest Mobile SMART report, developed by Millennial Media, underlines how stores and restaurants are striving in the mobile arena in the hope of reaching current consumers. Continue reading Increased engagement among mobile consumers pushes companies towards mobility

Creating a solid after-sales communication channel through social networks

On many occasions I meet with business leaders who do not know how to take advantage of the digital communication channels that are currently booming, especially the social media channel.

Of the different channels of communication that is usually used in online or digital marketing, the one that takes the palm to today and by thrashing is the marketing in social networks or social media.  Continue reading Creating a solid after-sales communication channel through social networks

The Importance of a Good Online Reputation for Professionals

The importance of a brand’s online reputation is very clear. Without it, they have absolutely nothing, but what about professionals? How important is it for us to have a good reputation online?

Exactly the same as for the company. Reputation is more than what we do on the internet, it is how we do those actions, how we relate to others, but, above all, how others perceive us. Continue reading The Importance of a Good Online Reputation for Professionals

Make FOREX Trading More Profitable With These Tips

You can be very successful at making money in forex, it is extremely important that you learn all about forex first to avoid losing money. The following information can help you in some of the fundamentals about Forex trading.

It is very simple to sell the signals in up market. You should aim to select trades based on trends. Do not trade on a market that is rarely talked about.Thin markets are those that lack much public eyes. Continue reading Make FOREX Trading More Profitable With These Tips

6 Ways to Measure ROI in Social Networks

Last year was closed with a big question, the great headache for marketers and SMEs, the famous ROI in Social Networks. Is it possible to measure it? In my opinion, yes. But I do not mean the possibility of measuring that ROI with the appearance of smoke of which so many speak, that deep down they do not know how to do it. I do not know if it will be 100% safe, the measurements are the ones they are and Google Analytics is not accurate.  Continue reading 6 Ways to Measure ROI in Social Networks

Five Essential Membership Management Features

When your organisation’s online membership reaches the point where its success depends on efficient 24/7 support, it’s time to look at more sophisticated membership software. Here are five reasons why good software is essential to maintain a thriving membership base.

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Flexible Form Building

The first point of contact a member will have with any organisation they wish to join is the membership form. Software that allows you to build and customise your own forms means that you can tailor your members’ experience the way you want it – and modify it if need be. For organisations that have multiple activities, a number of forms can be built.

Automation of Communications Systems

While the personal touch is an asset to any customer relationship, the complex nature of some membership organisations means that keeping on top of all communications as well as tracking members’ responses can become an impossible task. With the right communication and marketing tools you can manage all types of communication, from emails to social media activity.

Staying connected with your membership base is essential, but when that means a round-the-clock automated communication system, providers like can deliver membership management software that can take care of 5000 or more members. In addition, membership management systems have been shown to improve communication between teams in large organisations, as explained in a recent LinkedIn blog about Customer Relationship Management.

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Membership Fee Processing

For a large membership, automated fee management is a must – from tracking fee renewals to managing donations and processing payments. Sophisticated software should be able to allow customisation of fees, such as offering discounts or setting prices for merchandise or events.

Member Profiling

The most important parts of your membership organisation are the members themselves. Knowing your members means that you can target them with events and engagements that they’re likely to want to get involved in, so you need a sophisticated profiling feature which can be customised to suit your organisation’s requirements.

Member Portal

Members like to have control over their accounts, so it’s good to have an interactive member portal that is accessible 24/7. As well as enabling members to update their own profiles, membership software can also help build a community of members via a message board and provide a space for blogs, news articles and other information that will help them feel like they belong.

10 reasons to explain to businessmen reluctant to be in social networks

If you dedicate yourself, or aspiras to dedicarte, to the world of communication and online marketing probably the title of this post is the question that you hear many entrepreneurs who have spent so many years in your business using traditional techniques that do not believe that social media It can be of some use to you. 

If you have ever encountered someone who is reluctant to catch up you can take note of these reasons and give a good explanation … Continue reading 10 reasons to explain to businessmen reluctant to be in social networks

5 steps to calculate the ROI from the consumer experience

Every day there is a greater concern for customer satisfaction, as a means to achieve their fidelity. For this, companies must bet on improving the consumer experience, that the company meets their expectations, and even surpasses them. But what do companies gain from this? What do your efforts translate into? Bruce Temkin seems to have the answer, set out in his ROI Report on Consumer Experience.  Continue reading 5 steps to calculate the ROI from the consumer experience