What Is the Role of Occupational Health at Work?

Most people have heard about occupational health, but how many people know what they actually do and how they fit in?

Occupational health (OH) professionals are medical professionals who are specially trained in occupational health over and above their other professional qualifications.


In specific terms, occupational health advises employers about:

• What would constitute reasonable adjustments such as specially adapted chairs for people with back problems;
• Phased return to work for employees who have been long-term sick;
• Exercises for employees with minor musculo-skeletal problems.

They may also deliver training or awareness sessions about best practice in the workplace.

Who Are They?

They are doctors or nurses, but they may also be physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists. The government-funded Fit for Work Organisation provides more information about occupational health generally.

What Can They Help With?

They can provide advice for both employers and employees. UK sickness rates were, overall, lower in 2017 than they had been for some time, but the south-west of England has higher rates than most other parts of the country.

An example of what OH can help with is this: a Gloucester-based employer has an employee who was involved in a serious car accident and who has ongoing problems with a broken leg as a result. The employee’s medical records are not disclosed to the employer, so they can only work with what the employee tells them, but we all know that, particularly in relation to our own health, we have selective hearing. The employer refers to the employee to occupational health Gloucester. The city has a lot of independent providers, so it should be easy to find someone. Initially, a nurse will do either a face-to-face or telephone assessment and advise the employer about adjustments they might make.

Areas where there is a range of industries may have a high need of occupational health Gloucester. Of course, most employees only take sick leave when necessary, but for those who are perhaps a trifle disingenuous, take advice from occupational health Gloucester – it may have some of the richest people in the UK living in the county, but businesses still need productivity.

Regardless of sickness rates, it makes sense for employers to engage occupational health professionals at an early stage and try prevention rather than a cure.

An Innovative Solution Developed for Chevrons on Cars

We’ve all seen them multiple times: the distinctive chevron markings that have become synonymous with vehicles on building and other work sites. Over the years they have developed, and now they are mainly attached to car boots by applying an adhesive.

In this article we take a look at solutions that have been developed to deal with the very real risk posed by such an application. With the constant refining of vehicles by their manufacturers, car boots are – more often than not – made of plastic and not the traditional metal finish. This has a knock-on effect on applying chevrons and ultimately has been considered to pose a very real safety risk.

Finding a Way Forward

The most common answer to this industry problem is fairly straightforward and involves ensuring that the chevrons fit snugly – they are cut to size and then attached with either or both straps and suckers. This approach has resulted in much less chance of them dislodging or even coming off completely. Chevrons kits can be bought to make this process easier still.


Visibility is key on-site and is one of the main selling points that companies selling chevrons rely on; there are many to choose from, including https://www.vehiclechevrons.com/.

On and Off

Another chevron solution has resulted in the markings being removable, meaning that they can be safely and firmly attached when required but taken off, for example, when making personal commutes. There’s a whole host of other relevant information out there about the use of company cars too.


As well as visibility, durability, safety and ease of use, adapted and improved chevrons have been praised for providing a workable solution on many work sites up and down the country. Many have organised their own pilots and trials to ensure that they are meeting their own and industry standards related to building and other such sites. Feedback has suggested that the new and improved chevrons have been widely accepted. Importantly too, many producers of chevrons understand that it is not a case of ‘one size fits all’ and offering bespoke services and excellent customer care goes a long way in satisfying the high demands of operational staff in the industry. Ensuring they fit different models has also proved to be popular.

Making sure the Equity release Advisor is sound.

Let me just start by saying that this is not meant to give you any advice on the subject of Equity release. It will tell you what it is but it will not tell you whether it is the right thing for you to do with your home. For that I would direct you to this Equity Release Wiltshire company at https://chilvester.co.uk/equity-release/as they will be able to go through everything with you.

Firstly, there is a good chance that you will have read many horror stories about evil financial institutions turfing elderly people out on the street so they can get their home. The industry around Equity release has been heavily regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and no one can give you any advice, and you must receive advice legally before any agreement can go through, unless they have the correct certification and qualifications to do it.  These qualifications test the person in their understanding of the process of Equity release in the following ways,

  • Who their customer is likely to be.
  • There circumstances and reasons for undertaking equity release
  • The suitability and affordability of the product.
  • Outlining the advantageous and disadvantageous of Equity release in the circumstances.
  • Levels of risk taking into account your personal situation.

This is just an overview of the examination and it takes at least a year to be passed. After that financial firms will have competency tests and a requirement of professional development, meaning that the advisor must make sure that undertake training and keep abreast of any changes to the policy and practice of Equity release. If not then they and the company will feel the full wrath of the FCA. This could be a fine or the company and individual banned from giving advice for a number of years.

Equity Release is a way of making sure that you retain your home and have some money in your retirement years. Pension, both state and private are not limitless and with the increasing cost of the world and the fact that we are living and being active longer has meant that we may need more income. There are many types of equity release and the advisor will ensure that you get the right one for you and your situation by thoroughly going through them and finding out what is the best for you. But do not worry, you are protected.

Four ways to rent office space

There can be various reasons for the decision to rent office space. Whether you need more space, aim to add credibility to your business or simply want to escape from the distractions of home, there are various options to consider.

Virtual office space

According to BBC News, around 15 per cent of the UK population is self-employed. Many of these people work from home and do not require physical office space, which is where virtual office space can be the ideal solution. If all you need is to enhance your company’s reputation by adding credibility, you can have a professional address for mail delivery and someone to handle your mail and certain day-to-day tasks. Hiring virtual office space could be the answer.

Co-working office space

For anyone who needs more physical space for their business but is constrained by their finances, co-working offices can offer the facilities you need much more inexpensively than traditional leasehold office space. Sharing office space with other businesses has both advantages and disadvantages. It can be very flexible; therefore, if you only need the space for a short time, this can be the ideal solution. Some people enjoy the social benefits of sharing office space with others; however, there are also disadvantages, such as a lack of privacy and difficulty in receiving visitors.

Serviced office space

Contracts for serviced office space tend to be shorter than those for leasehold offices. This can be a more expensive option; however, the advantages can far outweigh the disadvantages. If you are looking for high-end offices to let Basingstoke provides facilities such as www.matrix-house.co.uk that provide the opportunity to move directly into a fully-equipped office with all the facilities you need. As the landlord is responsible for all ongoing maintenance and service costs, you can concentrate on your own business.

Leasehold office space

This is the commonest way of renting office space. It has the advantages of giving you the independence to decorate and furnish the office as you like; however, the disadvantages include the fact that you will be responsible for office maintenance, providing furniture and arranging and paying for the utilities you need. As leasehold office contracts usually run for at least three years, you may have to be prepared to renegotiate if your needs change in the future.

Different types of antenna and their properties

Much of our communication these days relies on some form of wireless technology. Whether it’s radio, wireless data, TV transmissions or mobile phone signals, sending and receiving this information inevitably involves some kind of antenna in order for everything to work as it should.

But antennas come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on what they are used for. The simplest type of antenna is a wire strung between two points or posts. These are simple and cheap and can be used to send and receive basic radio signals. But as you add sophistication you need more specialist kit.

Vehicle antennas

Historically, vehicles have used monopole antennas – basically a metal rod – to receive radio signals. In recent years the traditional telescopic aerial has given way to short, stubby types using a coiled wire, or even to no visible antenna at all, thanks to making use of the rear window heating element.

If you need two-way transmission then a longer antenna may be needed – which is why you often saw 1970s minicabs with a long whip aerial on the roof. Although technology has improved these types of aerial known as buggy whips, available from suppliers like wisuk.co.uk/buggy-whip are still useful in locations where a tall antenna is needed and where the roof of the vehicle may be hard to access.

Fixed antennas

For most people, the antenna they will need most frequently is the TV aerial. These are multi-element and designed to pick up a range of different frequencies. The most common type with a series of short horizontal rods is known as a dipole array and is effectively a series of short antennas. However, TV aerials do differ in their specifications and what type you need will vary depending on where you live and which transmitter you are receiving your signals from – http://www.digitaluk.co.uk/reception_guide.

Satellite signals use a reflector antenna that focuses the signal onto a particular point. This type of antenna can be used for other purposes too, such as transmitting wireless signals between buildings where there is line of sight available.

Specialist applications like telecommunications and radar often use microwave antennas. These can be used in one-way situations like broadcasting and as relays to send signals over longer distances. They are often used to provide the backbone network for mobile phone systems.

Loyalty of clients, do you achieve with an awards program?

The sale under pressure is a paradigm that was left aside 20 years ago, although the efforts to study the client as a consequence of the saturation of the market is at least the decade of the ’70s. At that time, the segmentation began to be essential in order to be more effective in terms of sales and budgets. Continue reading Loyalty of clients, do you achieve with an awards program?

Recommendations, the most influential factor for women in their online shopping

Women continue to lead online shopping but what is their behavior and what influences them? A white book published this January by Fleishman Hillard found that 50% of women in 2011 are influenced by friends and family to buy or not a product or service, representing an increase of 61% compared to 31% who responded the same in 2008. Continue reading Recommendations, the most influential factor for women in their online shopping

Do we know how to take advantage of our clients opinion polls?

It is becoming less and less rare that, after having had to contact a call center for whatever reason or having carried out an Internet management, we receive an invitation to participate in a quality or service survey in our mailbox. to the client. As marketing professionals, we all recognize the importance of having feedback from our clients and thus be able to take actions according to the information obtained. Continue reading Do we know how to take advantage of our clients opinion polls?

Overseas buyers still hotly demanding UK property

Billions of pounds entering the UK’s property market via foreign firms has pushed up house price rises by over a quarter, research dated March 2018 has found.

The overseas impact on house prices

Average prices in England and Wales went from £70,000 in 1999 up to £215,000 in 2014, while without a flow of foreign money they would have increased only to £174,000, a study conducted by researchers at King’s College, London, shows.

So 28 per cent of property price growth over that time may have been down to overseas investment – a lot of it via anonymous shell companies which are registered in secretive tax havens.

The study proposes that foreign investment is a notably larger contributing element towards a crisis in housing than was previously believed, meaning that millions of people across the UK can’t afford to purchase their own home.

The senior lecturer at King’s College who carried out the research, Filipa Sa, commented that foreign investment does more than just raise the cost of pricey homes. It also has a ‘trickle down’ impact on the remainder of the market.

Ms Sa found that growth of 1 per cent in the amount of property sales to firms registered overseas hiked up prices in the area by 2.1 per cent.

If you are looking for conveyancing solicitors Manchester has firms including https://www.samconveyancing.co.uk/conveyancing-solicitors/conveyancing-solicitors-Manchester.

Proposed penalties

The government has come under pressure to do more to penalise ownership of property via anonymous foreign shell companies.

Front men for faceless overseas firms that invest in UK property will be jailed for up to two years and face limitless fines should the true property owners not be listed on a public register, according to new plans. However, there are concerns that new rules will not be put in place until 2021.

For more on the government’s proposed levy on foreign buyers, you can read https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/sep/29/theresa-may-slaps-new-property-tax-on-foreign-buyers.

Demand for openness

Russian figures linked to Vladimir Putin are thought to possess British properties amounting to almost £1.1bn, and the true value could be much bigger, because ownership can easily be hidden. London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, added his voice to calls for the government to initiate draft legislation, remarking that Londoners need to know the truth about who owns property in the city.