The relevance of content continues to be a constant in the evolution of the new SEO

The Online Marketing consultant and SEO expert Miguel López breaks with the topics about a profession that evolves with the algorithms and the SERPs of the search engines. In an interview with Webpositer, he analyzed with light and stenographers the controversial relationship with Google, as well as some keys to current SEO.

The director of the Professional SEO Congress, which will hold its third edition on July 6 and 7 in Madrid, demystifies many of the legends surrounding SEO by analyzing, without ambiguity and with courage, the threads that actually move the online positioning of the companies and brands. Miguel López says that SMEs have already become aware that “you can not have an online project that does not do SEO” and that it is now “more complex, more expensive and more long-term.” Continue reading The relevance of content continues to be a constant in the evolution of the new SEO

In Social Networks there is no place for cowards

It is always risky to face a new challenge, a new situation, because we never know how our audacity can end.

However, whoever does not take risks does not go through the sea, as the saying goes, and, in these times, it is important to be aware of the need to undertake, to be creative and to try to differentiate ourselves from others. Continue reading In Social Networks there is no place for cowards

Twitter: Secrets and other important aspects of micrologging engagement

Several years ago words such as Twitter, Tweet, Hastag or Retweet were part of a vocabulary reserved for experts in the field of social media and social networks. Today, it is difficult to do something as usual as watching television or walking the street without hearing something related to Twitter or a particular hashtag. Continue reading Twitter: Secrets and other important aspects of micrologging engagement

Interest or convenience: Are fans of brands really fans?

If there is something of vital importance for companies, that is to reach their target audience effectively, both as potential customers and existing ones.

Companies strive every day more with this goal to create a user experience as complete as possible to, in this way, create the long-awaited customer relationship with her. For this, brands are forced to interact as closely as possible with their community, and, in the case in which the community responds, the motive must be considered. Continue reading Interest or convenience: Are fans of brands really fans?

All power in the hands of the buyer

We are witnessing the biggest revolution in the field of shopping since the first large stores were installed in the center of cities, more than a century ago. And precisely we, the consumers, are leading this revolution, using for example applications of our iPhone to check the prices of the products that we are going to acquire. We are living in the era of mobility and social networks, a new digital environment in which consumers ask their friends for an opinion before buying a product and use their smartphones and tablets to buy. Continue reading All power in the hands of the buyer

The users value in a very positive way a good customer service in social networks

At this point we have all learned the great utility that social networks have for different companies, not only as a means of promotion and to achieve a better brand image, but to relate more effectively with our customers.

The users that follow a brand in Social Networks expect a personalized and impeccable treatment, as well as a very fast response, as there are no obstacles between them and the brand, unless the person in charge of managing the community is not at that moment, topic that we will address in another post. Continue reading The users value in a very positive way a good customer service in social networks

An introduction to mixing technology

Countless manufacturing and processing operations depend on efficient mixing of solids, gases or liquids, (and combinations like slurries and foams). The objectives of mixing vary – sometimes it’s to optimise chemical reactions, sometimes to disperse heat, or produce products consistent in colour, texture or flavour.

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While simple in principle, mixing technology is critical. Modern societies rely on it for manufacturing, water purification and food production. As scales increase, mixing efficiency becomes ever more important, enabling higher production, lower costs and better product quality.

The term “blending” is sometimes used for gentler degrees of admixing. Although maximum homogeneity is the usual objective, in some cases, lower degrees of blending are preferable. For example, overworked pastry gives a harder, less desirable, baked result, and levels of irregularity in concretes alter their structural qualities.

Types of mixing equipment

Solid powders usually require a different approach to that used to mix viscous fluids. Dynamic stirrers and tumbling equipment are power driven, whereas with fluids, static mixers are often a better option, with the energy to perform the mixing imparted by the flow of the fluid, driven by pumps or blowers (occasionally by gravity or convection) over mixing rods or profiles in continuous process pipelines and ducts.

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The former group includes solid/solid mixing equipment, like tumble and double cone blenders, vertical screws, plough and paddle mixers, and fluid/fluid agitators, including flow impellers, and pitched blade turbines.

Static mixers include pipe, channel and duct mixers, gas dispersion units and heat exchangers. One advantage of mixing in pipelines is that samplers and injectors can constantly monitor and tune the results achieved at different points in the line.

In gases and liquids of moderate viscosity, flow turbulence is a key factor in how the blades induce mixing. In heavier fluids, viscous drag equations are often used. However, not all fluids exhibit simple Newtonian behaviour, which means that flow calculations can be complex. Specialist advice is available from

Typical applications

In the chemical industry, thorough mixing is required to ensure top quality end products like polymers, fertilisers, explosives, ceramics, and rubber compounds for car tyres.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the blending of drugs with stabilisers and bulkers, like cellulose or lactose, is a common requirement.

In food production industries, good quality mixing is important for the dispersal of spices and additives, and in the preparation of dough and cake mixes.

Network phobia, symptomatic illness of CEOs and companies

There is a constant that always arises when you talk about social networks. People mostly know what they are, but there is a certain phobia in a special segment of the population towards it: entrepreneurs.

When I have talked with entrepreneurs about social networks, they are fascinated by their scope, see their growth, the number of people who use them daily and see something that is beyond their comprehension: how to use them to make money. Continue reading Network phobia, symptomatic illness of CEOs and companies