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The New Breed of Tech Companies

Companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Facebook have long been known for their innovative attitudes towards their staff. They provide a variety of perks and benefits, as well as more relaxed offices, with a focus on activities, food, and fun. This way of working has started to trickle down to smaller companies, and has finally reached the shores of the U.K, where companies are updating their offices to meet the trend. This way of working can be utilised by companies that have Office Space Bracknell way as their business base as well as those elsewhere in the country. If you are a business looking for a base of your own it is worth taking a look at to how they can help you and your business.

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What are the perks of working in this way?

An article in The Guardian gave an insight into the way the Google offices work. The grounds feature meadows, allotments, free yoga classes and bicycles to get from meeting to meeting. The buildings and surrounding areas are designed to make people feel relaxed and happy; to make the workplace somewhere that people want to be. Google also prides itself on flexible working hours. It allows people to work from home or provides childcare for on-site staff together with long maternity leave.

Sounds amazing … and over on The Business Insider there’s a virtual tour of Facebook’s London offices, showing the motivational posters on the wall, chill out meeting areas, and even a roof terrace with a BBQ.

It’s no secret that trendy Shoreditch is the hub of innovative tech companies in the UK. Visit many offices in the area and you will find relaxed staff having meetings in coffee shops, or enjoying breaks in which they can do fun activities. This new style is spreading around the country too, with some companies stating that their staff can often be found competing in ‘impromptu ping pong battles’.

Is this way of working here to stay?

Having this relaxed and fun atmosphere is sure to breed creativity and employee loyalty. Creativity can be sparked by a change of scenery, or mixing up the way meetings are held. Facebook employees are more likely to come up with innovative ideas if they are being challenged in new and interesting ways. It seems this ethos is becoming more and more popular in the UK. At the moment, it is found mainly with tech companies, but this is sure to develop across other industries. It is a strategy that has worked well for US tech giants and sounds like a great model to follow.

Rethink your industrial storage with these steps

If you have an efficient, well planned industrial storage, you will save money on storage costs and it will be very easy for you to remove and replace items. However, on the other hand, if you have a poorly planned industrial storage space you may find that you are spending more money than you need to on storage space.

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Here are four ways to rethink your industrial storage space so that it is efficient and easy to manage.

Pre-allocate certain goods

Instead of having designated storage locations for different types of DCs, set one common inventory that you can use for all deliveries. This means that the product that are sent to stores and the products that are sent to customers are all stored in the same place, helping to reduce the overall amount of storage space that you use.

Consider cross docking

Cross docking is a popular subject for industrial storage managers, and this is because it can vastly reduce the amount of inventory in your warehouse – Cross docking uses advanced shipping notices and a detailed plan to ensure that some deliveries are sent out as soon as they arrive, so they don’t need to spend any time in the industrial storage. This frees up space for other products while maximising efficiency.

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Try pallet receiving if you regularly use pallets

Pallet receiving is another useful tactic that can help to make your storage space more efficient. If you receive goods on a single pallet, you can reroute the goods to storage and then use the pallets in your rack layout. This means you don’t have to worry about breaking down the pallets or re-handling the cartons. This is very useful for busy warehouses that receive most of their goods on pallets.

Automate busy storage spaces

If you have any particularly busy storage spaces you could consider using automated solutions to speed up the progress. For instance, you could scan product information straight into a WMS (warehouse management system) as the items are being loaded, giving you instant visibility. This will make it much easier for you to decide where the products should be moved to, speeding up the whole unpacking process and making it more efficient.

Off course if your business is doing really well and you can’t keep up with demand you could either get a second location or move to a bigger unit. To see what options you have why not sort through choices like Warehouse Space London companies on sites including They have flexible space configured to your requirements.

What struggles do chefs deal with at work?

Many TV shows have glamorised the role of the chef, but it’s not all about serving up delicious cuisine. Here are some of the common struggles that many chefs have to face.

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Unsociable working hours

Chefs don’t tend to work regular, 9-5 hours, which can impinge on your social life. According to Chefs World, chefs often work shifts, and may have to put in overtime during busy periods. Many chefs work late into the evening, and during weekends and bank holidays. Even on a planned day off, you may be called in to cover a shift or solve a particular crisis.

Getting injured

Following strict health and hygiene rules is vital in any kitchen, but a chef is still prone to hazards that can result in injuries. Getting cuts from knives or other sharp objects is often part and parcel of the job, especially when working quickly under pressure.

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Starting at the bottom

Few chefs begin their careers preparing the main dishes. Instead, many chefs start out doing basic, repetitive tasks that may not even involve cooking. This could be chopping vegetables, cleaning surfaces, unloading deliveries and placing stock in fridges or commercial wine coolers, or even washing up. In order to do the tasks you want to do, you need to work your way up and get experience behind you.

Negative reviews

You’ll never please everyone with your cooking, and so, at some point in your career as a chef, you’ll be exposed to negative comments about your food. If this gets published online on a review website, this can be crushing, and might not do your establishment’s reputation any favours. On the other hand, positive reviews can be a boom for business. The other thing you might get bad reviews for is your bathroom facilities and what you provide within them. This can be make a break for business as there are legal requirements to meet. If you need a Washroom service provider Gloucestershire company to come in and help, you could try somewhere like simple hygiene solutions who are trained in this area. Turn your potential frowns upside down.

Dealing with paperwork

Being a chef isn’t just about rustling up delicious meals, especially if you run your own venue. There’s a lot of paperwork involved in the job, which includes ordering stock, paying staff wages and balancing the books.

Cooking outside of work

The problem with working as a chef is that, when it comes to family mealtimes or gatherings, it will be inevitable that you’ll be the one chosen to rustle up the food. This can be a good thing, but if you fancy a night off from cooking, it might not go down too well with others.

Fascinating Facts About Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy has been and continues to be highly controversial. It is an awesome way to create sustainable power but when it goes wrong, the results are truly catastrophic. While the possibility of recurrence of such accidents is small, the scale of damage to the environment and our health will be a big disaster. That is why safety and maintenance must be of the highest quality, along with the components used inside the power plants. For a Brass Ball Valve supplier of a quality that is regularly used in the nuclear industry, visit

But despite the risks, many of the leading economies use nuclear energy to create the majority of their power.

One of the strongest reasons for supporting nuclear energy is the country’s independence from fossil fuels. In addition, nuclear power supplies energy for a long time without polluting the air. Here are some top facts about nuclear energy:

  1. France is a major exporter

France produces so much electricity through nuclear power that it exports its surplus to other countries. France provides more than 70% of the nation’s electricity from nuclear energy and then exports the surplus to Italy, Britain, Spain, Switzerland and Belgium.

  1. The United States disposes of a lot of nuclear power

Nuclear energy produces about 20% of the electricity used by the United States. In 2016, US nuclear power plants produced more than 800 billion kWh of electricity, which was twice that of France produced, but the US also dumped 25-40% of all electricity produced through inefficient use.

  1. Climate-friendly nuclear energy

The production of electricity that uses nuclear energy emits greenhouse gases in amounts comparable to wind energy, hydroelectric power or that derived from biomass. Solar energy releases three times more greenhouse gas emissions than nuclear energy. This means that nuclear energy is better for the climate than fossil fuel power. Coal releases even more emissions, as much as 30 times that of nuclear.

  1. Uranium is named after the planet Uranus

Discovered in 1789 by a chemist from Germany called Martin Klaproth, he was studying mineral samples from around the world. After that discovery, Klaproth named it after the planet Uranus.

  1. Not all nuclear reactors produce electricity

There are around 447 large commercial nuclear reactors operating today with 60 more under construction and 160 planned. Interestingly, not all of these reactors produce electricity, much of which is actually used for scientific research, or medical isotope production.

  1. Energy trapped in atoms

Nuclear phases occur when an atom splits into two parts and then releases energy. The reaction can occur through either natural decay or in a controlled laboratory setting. Nuclear energy plants use energy by splitting atomic nuclei under strictly controlled conditions, whereas nuclear weapons function on the concept of uncontrolled nuclear fission.

  1. Energy found even in the Sun.

Nuclear energy can be produced through fission (atomic separation) or through fusion (the union of atoms together). Nuclear fusion continues in the sun, when hydrogen atoms combine to produce helium. However, nuclear fission is a process that occurs in nuclear reactors.

  1. Nearly half of the world’s uranium is found in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has 50 extensive uranium deposits. Nearly 40% of the world’s supply of uranium in 2016 came from this landlocked country. And this country has been one of the world’s leading suppliers of uranium for the past 50 years.







How to Rinse Toxic Metals out of Soil

Though we use harmless and safe metals every day, heavy metals such as cadmium or lead can pollute the soil, usually as a by-product of industrial processes. Consuming or being in contact with toxic metals can make people ill, so a contaminated area becomes a no-go zone. A new process offers more options for cleaning polluted sites.

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Technology for Washing Away Pollutants

Researchers at Stanford University have developed technology using a chemical which binds to heavy metals that effectively washes soil clean. The method in some ways is like making coffee. Water containing the chemical is applied to contaminated soil, and when the solvent has washed through it, the liquid is collected.

The liquid contains heavy metals which have been attracted to the chemical in the water. This water is then filtered with an electrochemical procedure that isolates the heavy metals, which can then be disposed of. The chemical and water mixture can then be re-used to clean another area of soil. The chemical being used is called EDTA, which has been used to treat patients with heavy metal poisoning. EDTA has a strong negative charge, which means it can bond with the positively charged heavy metal atoms.

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Common Pollutants

Apart from cadmium and lead, which are frequently found at toxic sites, the process has also been applied to copper, which can be dangerous when the concentrations are high enough. It is hoped that this process can also be applied to the removal of chromium and mercury, which also contribute to soil pollution. Mercury is frequently found in emissions where coal is used in industry. Environmental activists and industrialists have clashed over rules limiting mercury emissions, according to this report in The Guardian.

Soil remediation services can convert an abandoned piece of land into a site which can be used for work or housing. If you are interested in learning more about soil remediation services, then it would be worthwhile making contact with an expert in this field such as, where you can find out more about the most practical and cost-effective procedures.

In the past, once heavy metals have seeped into soil, it has been extremely difficult to get rid of them. Emerging technology is making the process of reclaiming valuable land much cheaper and easier, with many benefits for the local community.


Why you should treat your brand like a person

Of all the steps and techniques you’ve ever read about successful branding, has the idea of treating your brand like a person ever appeared? Possibly not – but this technique is, in fact, one of the most powerful that you have at your disposal for brand success.

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Why? Because customers identify with people. They can’t identify with logos and conceptual entities. When they feel warm and fuzzy feelings about a brand, it is because they feel friendly and well-intentioned towards it. They associate it with people that they like and values that they also believe in.

When we start to picture our brand as a person, everything becomes easier. For example, we can suddenly produce brand materials that are intuitive. We can develop a voice that is human, approachable and desirable. Writing copy in the brand voice becomes easier.

Introducing the brand persona

If you couldn’t already describe your brand as a person, then it’s time to develop it so that you can. What personality characteristics would that person have? What sort of age – a similar age to your target audience perhaps? What would it be like to spend time with that person – and why would you want to spend time with them?

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MTV is a great case study here. The brand was set up very cheaply by the four company leads, who were young, energetic, slightly crazy and looking to transform TV. They wanted a quirky brand that wasn’t corporate and which would allow that sense of fun to shine. MTV went on to define an era’s programming.

This can be a tricky process at first because, without clear definition already in place, people within the organisation might have different views about that brand and its persona. In these instances, a Cheltenham branding agency such as can assist with a facilitated brand development session.

Translating persona to marketing

Once that persona is identified, the core values and messaging are far easier to create. From here, a solid set of brand guidelines can be created which will inform every marketing, communications, PR and internal engagement activity on the agenda.

The acid test for every material becomes less about semantics and more about – “Would our brand say this”? Would our brand phrase this? Is this the message that our brand would want to convey?


Improving efficiency with a conveyor

A company that constantly handles various types of materials in their factories, will usually have a conveyor system. According to the required application and specific work area, this is one efficient tool and here is what they are used for:

To transport food in large quantities

Bulk materials, from minerals, chemicals, food, or others that have features to be products with certain types of granules, are usually handled by conveyor belts. These systems must be regulated significantly as the features and operation processes have direct contact with the product during the entire process.

Interconnection between processes

When a product is needed to go through a different process before arriving at the shipping area, the conveyor system helps to connect each place where the product must go. When requested, they are built in stainless steel, if not, they are made in carbon steel and painted electrostatically.

For End-of-Line

The end-of-line conveyor system also assists in the movement and transportation of products, which are usually packed in boxes or regular packages.

In this area, the following modular conveyors are usually used, integrated into bigger conveyor systems:

Belt conveyor.

Rugged belt conveyors, usually for corrugated handling operations.

Modular roller conveyor.

Conveyor accumulation.

Conveyors for moving and collecting pallets.

Combine conveyors.

Sorting conveyors.

Designed according to product and flow, conveyors provide the vital strength to improve order, the safety of the operator and the product itself, in addition to increasing operating productivity. For Telescopic Conveyors, visit

To transport food in large quantities

Bulk materials, from minerals, chemicals, food, or others that have features to be products with certain types of granules, are usually handled by conveyor belts.

Work with the right equipment

If you want to start working with, or are thinking of increasing your existing conveyor belt, it is important to know what system will work best with your operation. Choosing the wrong type of belt or conveyor parts can reduce efficiency and can even cause a fearful period of downtime. It is important to consider the size and weight of the product you need to transport it, whether it will travel with the slope or decrease and the desired speed of the conveyor. These are just a few aspects to keep in mind when looking to invest in a delivery system.

Regular care

Although the tasks that seem simple to complete, it is important to regularly check the conveyor system for any inconsistencies or damage that might occur due to daily use and in turn allow you to quickly repair and repair your system. In addition to checking whether the belt tracks and runs smoothly, check for debris that might be stuck in belt gaps that might damage it. Listening to a belt while walking also helps in showing problems that you might not be able to see. It is also wise to test all safety equipment in working conditions and that employees are up to date with regulations to minimize incidents at work.

Perfecting the Cleaning of your Commercial Kitchen

A commercial kitchen must be spick and span. This is vital for the health and safety of your staff and customers. Kitchen surfaces, sinks, fridges and floors can become breeding grounds for germs in a short amount of time. Make sure your commercial kitchen is cleaned to perfection with our quick guide or hire a professional to do this for you. This could be a set amount of times in a week or month to keep your business clean so with a Commercial Cleaning Company in Cheltenham offering different services from sites like you can be sure to keep your standards high. Continue reading Perfecting the Cleaning of your Commercial Kitchen

Top tips for speaking at a business event

Speaking in public is a skill that takes practice to perfect. There are very few people who nail it on their first public speaking engagement, especially a business event. At corporate events, the stakes are that much higher because a good performance can rocket your career into the stratosphere, whilst a bad performance might mean you’re never invited to speak publicly again! Continue reading Top tips for speaking at a business event

Using Facebook for the benefit of your business

Is your business making the most of Facebook? Facebook is the largest social networking site on earth and you, as a business owner, could be greatly benefiting from all that it has to offer. So far this year, the site has over 2 billion monthly users who are active, so it offers huge opportunities for businesses to connect with their target audience. Continue reading Using Facebook for the benefit of your business