What Is Electroless Nickel Plating?

In some industries, few things made from solid material such as plastic or metal are made and delivered as they stand, because without some sort of protection they simply wouldn’t withstand the elements or environment they are in – which means they would have an unsatisfactorily short shelf life. The solution is to protect them with something, and this is where electroless nickel plating comes into play.

What’s the Technical Explanation?

In the trade this may be described as a process where an even layer of nickel-phosphorus or nickel-boron alloy is added to an item. The amount of phosphorus featured ranges between 2% and 14%, and the higher this number the more resistance to corrosion is provided – but in return the finish is not as hard. It is also referred to as autocatalytic coating, because during the metal or alloy deposit process chemical reaction causes it to be catalyzed.

Where and Why Will You See Electroless Nickel Plating Being Used?

The major uses for electroless nickel plating treatments are on products such as pumps, drive shafts, pipes and valves within the construction, engineering, aerospace, electronic and oil/gas industries. This invaluable resource offers high levels of protection from both abrasive exposure and general wear, helps to avoid corrosion and generally strengthens the product being coated.

It is commonly used on metal, plastic and carbon steel surfaces, though it doesn’t do so well on steels which contain chromium. Electroless nickel plating is adaptable to the conditions of a surface it is applied to, which means things such as pits and recesses are filled in so the end result is smooth.

Something to Consider

The best results from electroless nickel plating depend on things such as adequate surface preparation and cleaning as well as careful attention to and management of the plating baths. Avoid any issues by using the services of surface engineering specialists such as https://www.poeton.co.uk/.

Why Choose Electroless Nickel Plating?

There are several reasons why this is considered superior to electroplating. It is able to cope with surfaces which electroplating simply can’t manage, there is virtually no risk of excess deposits at high points, it has an extended range of throwing power and there is significantly less hydrogen charging. It does cost more to choose electroless nickel plating, but the advantages tend to outweigh this issue.

What is biomass?

In this article we take a look at the definition of biomass, its importance in today’s world and how open fires and woodburning stoves are playing their part in this green energy production.


In essence, biomass is fuel from organic materials, creating electricity and other forms of power; it is both renewable and sustainable as waste residues will always exist, forests will always have trees and we will always have crops.


Materials that can make biomass fuels include scrap timber, debris from forests, some crops, manure and certain waste residues. With technology improving every day, other things might prove useful too.

A greener way

All the above are constant sources of waste which means that green energy can continue indefinitely.

Everyday biomass power

If you are looking for stoves Northern Ireland based http://www.stovebay.com/, or similar, have a wide range for you to consider, enhancing your green credentials further.

Biomass power is carbon neutral power generated from organic material that would otherwise be dumped in landfills. When burnt, the energy in it is released as heat, as anybody who owns a woodburning stove or enjoys an open fire in their home will know.

The challenges

Although the process of electricity creation in a commercial and/or industrial setting is the same when using both biomass fuel and fossil fuel, the equipment needed is very different indeed. Whether for domestic or industrial purposes, the burning of anything creates emissions and ash so it is important – if you are considering introducing a woodburning stove in your home for example – to choose a reputable company that has processes and equipment in place to keep emissions within regulations. Some areas are smoke-free zones, so keep this in mind.


There is a huge amount of research out there that supports the conclusion that biomass provides substantial consumer and environmental benefits. These include improving the health of forests, ensuring our air quality is protected and, crucially, offering a dependable and long-lasting energy source that is entirely renewable and cannot be depleted. Biomass also has many advantages over fossil fuels due to the reduction in the amount of carbon emissions. Indeed, using biodiesel instead of petrol reduces these bad emissions by between a whopping 45 and 80 percent, which is fabulous news for creating a greener and more sustainable planet.

10 keys to improve the Internal Customer Experience

If there is a word that we have not heard in recent years, it is ‘change’. We are increasingly aware that our lives, our businesses or our jobs, to put a few examples, are developed in an environment of constant change.

These changes, added to multiple factors, such as easier access to information, connection with other consumers through social networks, greater experience or new priorities, have made the consumer has evolved and is more demanding, more professional and be better informed than ever. Continue reading 10 keys to improve the Internal Customer Experience

Five tips for managing your next office move

There are plenty of reasons a business might be planning to relocate. Regardless of the motives, the key to a successful move is planning. Without a clear strategy, the process can go horribly wrong and end up costing much more than it should.

Why, where and when?

Getting the answers to some fairly basic questions will help with your plans. You may know why the business is moving, but your staff might not. Make sure everyone knows what is happening and start thinking about how you are going to communicate this to all your suppliers, clients and anyone else involved in the business. Where do you want to move? This is a great chance to relocate to a better and perhaps cheaper or more convenient site. The Bristol removals company, for example, will be able to help here. Have a clear deadline so that the move can be achieved on time and on budget.

The moving team

It is always a good idea to appoint a good project manager. A good removals company can provide the right expertise for you and lead your team, too. The leader of the team will need to possess a whole range of essential skills. An ability to communicate effectively will be fundamental, but the role will also require management, a good understanding of processes, and an ability to set up and manage a realistic and affordable budget.

Know how

Depending on the size and complexity of the move, it is always a good idea to consider bringing in a professional Bristol removals company to help. Relocation and the actual physical removal process should not be undertaken lightly, unless you have had considerable previous experience. An organisation such as the Bristol Removals Company can step in and make the process seamless.

Introducing change

Relocating your company can be a real opportunity, so be sure to take advantage of it! All of your old systems can be revisited, and new processes can be introduced. Old files can be scanned and all your dusty paperwork discarded, and this is also a chance to get on top of GDPR. It may be the right moment to update old hardware, so work this into your budget calculation as well. When the move is complete, don’t forget to enjoy a well-earned party.

Have clients or be right? The Seven Capital Sins before a claim

We’ve all heard that ‘the client is always right’ to what we could add … ‘according to him’. It is no less true that being in possession of reason is something relative and that is subject to various interpretations, but during these days of shopping and Christmas gifts I have had occasion to live (and sometimes suffer) that uncomfortable (and usually unpleasant) situation that is to have to claim for something that you are not satisfied with. I do not mean to make a change of article that you do not like, but to a claim for being dissatisfied and feeling disappointed with the acquired. It is in this situation where I frequently check (directly or indirectly) the large number of companies and businesses that insist on having to choose between having clients or being right in the discussion or the clash of the claim. Continue reading Have clients or be right? The Seven Capital Sins before a claim

2011 was the year that the internet catalyzed the appearance of new business models

2011 will go down in history as the year of development of new business formulas on the Internet, the constant growth of electronic commerce and the need for revision and innovation of the models adopted by online companies. The network has been a definitive alternative for the development and planning of companies. Continue reading 2011 was the year that the internet catalyzed the appearance of new business models

Who really benefits the deregulation of business hours?

It has been known a few days ago the intention of the Autonomous Community of Madrid to deregulate business hours. Any trade may have its doors open 365 days a year.

In order to make this decision, the regional government has based itself on the results of the application of this measure in the Zones of Great Tourist Influx and predicts that this liberalization would create more than 20,000 jobs. It also ensures that, by enabling this measure the opening on public holidays of large shopping centers, it would make it easier for customers to buy from small businesses in the area. Continue reading Who really benefits the deregulation of business hours?

SMEs adopt e-commerce and social media but do not know how to use them properly

A large part of small businesses still see ‘social channels’ and e-commerce as a threat

We all know the importance of social media for organizations and how accelerated growth is expected in terms of its adoption for next year. However, surprisingly, a third of SMEs see e-commerce channels as a threat, according to a new report from Epson, to which we must add that many of them do not understand how Social Media Marketing can help in their business. Continue reading SMEs adopt e-commerce and social media but do not know how to use them properly