Intrapreneurship: The importance of entrepreneurship within organizations

The concept of entrepreneur includes both the Entrepreneur, that is, the person who organizes and directs a company assuming the risk, and also includes the Intrapreneur, that is, the person who generates a new business within the company in which he works. This is the least known figure, but it is equally important.

Fundamentally an entrepreneur is characterized by his autonomy, great enthusiasm, his commitment to the task, and his inclination to take risks, characteristics that can also be found in employees within the company. Continue reading Intrapreneurship: The importance of entrepreneurship within organizations

Grow using social media as tools for customer service

In the next two years, 30% of the companies that carry out activities on the Internet, will include improvements in their services to customers, compared to 5% who did so during 2010, according to a report by Gartner Inc.

Today, most CRM focuses its efforts on the corporate marketing department, aimed at managing its brands, which means opening a page on Facebook or creating an account on Twitter. Gartner says that users use these social platforms as a back door to get customer service, getting answers and results faster than through traditional channels. Continue reading Grow using social media as tools for customer service

Facebook will surpass Yahoo in advertising display

For the first time, the bulk of ad revenue from display ads in the US will go to the hands of Facebook, which According to the estimates made by eMarketer will experience a growth of 80.9% to reach 2.190 million dollars during this same year. This means that Facebook will account for 21.6% of total advertising spending on the US screen. Continue reading Facebook will surpass Yahoo in advertising display

M-Commerce: Privacy and location, key to its growth

It is quite true that the boom of the mobile Web started in 2010 has managed to maintain the attention of brands and users, achieving penetration figures of great relevance thanks to the combination of the use of the latest generation devices and mobile applications based on the location, which has laid the foundations for sustained growth during 2011. Continue reading M-Commerce: Privacy and location, key to its growth

The customer of the new century, fidelity based on participation

Years, since the crisis of the 1990s that hit new technologies focusing on a recessive cycle limited to the Internet, the social order was centered on inefficient productive models that, based on speculation and rapid enrichment, resulted in structural unemployment and deep decline in competitiveness.

In this scenario, the real world acts, while in the new society 2.0 … the society that moves towards the new precepts of advertising, the rise of social networks as transmitting marketing channels and a meeting point for active participation in the sales process on the part of the clients. Continue reading The customer of the new century, fidelity based on participation

Online Marketing: How to spy on your competition in the network?

We know that the new business model counts as the main strength with the ease of access and the reduced initial investments required. Additionally, aspects related to variables that are difficult to measure -in terms of figures- such as reputation and quality result in an optimal investment ROI, so that in a first analysis, we can confirm that it was never so easy to start your own business. Continue reading Online Marketing: How to spy on your competition in the network?

Social networks and Social Media, the next bubble?

A recent analysis of the investment bank Goldman Sachs has valued the social network Facebook in 50,000 million dollars, a stratospheric figure for a company founded just six years ago.

But Facebook is not the only social network to be valued in astronomical figures, as companies such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Zynga and Groupon, are also in the select club of the valuation in billions of dollars. Continue reading Social networks and Social Media, the next bubble?

A beginner’s guide to commercial loans

Have you ever wondered whether a cash injection could help your business? Let’s delve into the world of commercial loans.

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A loan for commercial purposes.

The term ‘commercial loan’ has a broad meaning, with many different types available for growing entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses in need of a lifeline or injection of cash. It is essentially a loan for use on anything commercial related, such as a building investment, new offices or a new packing machine; in fact, it can meet virtually any business need.

Where can you get a commercial loan?

You can take out commercial loans via standard routes such as banks and building societies; alternatively, there are many non-bank internet lenders that offer funding, such as commercial loans Northern Ireland.

With lots of avenues to choose from, which type of commercial loan is right for you? There are several different types – one size does not fit all, and it is important to find the right one. With a huge number of internet providers available to explore, check out brokers such as to find out about the types of loan available in support of commercial growth.

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The most common types are term loans, with short or long repayment periods. Equipment loans are generally a good approach when you have equipment to buy, as the personal risk is limited due to the physical asset available. Another type is a business credit flexible approach loan, which is where you obtain an up-front agreed line of business credit. This can sit dormant in your account for months on end, but the flexibility to dip in and out of a financial arrangement can be helpful. Interest is only accrued when you go into the loan amount.

The Financial Services Trade and Investment Board (FSTIB) is part of HM Treasury. A partnership between industry and government, its remit is to continually improve the UK’s position in the finance sector, delivering jobs and growth.

If you are thinking about a commercial loan, make sure you pull together a well-represented business plan, laying out all the needs and expectations for the invested money. Ensure you can show you have fully thought through the type of loan that is right for you and the factors that play a significant part in your ability to meet the financial repayment plan.

The companies with the highest sales growth confirm their positive experience in social media

According to the results of a recent study developed by the University of Massachusetts, more than seven out of ten of the companies (71%) that make up the Inc.500 (ranking of the 500 fastest growing companies in sales) and They use or operate through social networks like Facebook. Continue reading The companies with the highest sales growth confirm their positive experience in social media

56% of advertisers will invest more in digital platforms to reach multicultural consumers

ANA, Association of National Advertisers, has presented a report that shows that more than half of those interviewed, specifically 56%, confirm that their companies will increase their investments in digital media platforms in order to reach multicultural consumers. 35% said they would maintain their current spending levels and only 9% said it would be reduced. Continue reading 56% of advertisers will invest more in digital platforms to reach multicultural consumers