All posts by f775Ha

Conditions associated with asbestos exposure

Many people know about the word asbestos, and realize that it’s substance that’s very perilous and harmful to health and wellbeing, yet there can be a great deal of misconception about the particular ailments that exposure to asbestos can cause.

Specifically, most people associate asbestos with just the one condition named Asbestosis, and don’t know about the other various different conditions that can be brought about by exposure to asbestos. Continue reading Conditions associated with asbestos exposure

Common Industrial Roof Problems

Unexpected roof problems are an absolute pain and have a big impact on your business, costing money, time and effort. Recognising the issues that can arise from industrial roofing problems and how to avoid them, can save a lot of hassle and minimize any downtime.

Some of the top roof problems that are most common:

1- Extreme weather

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to prevent winter and extreme weather. However, there are things you can do to minimize the impact these conditions will have on your roof.

In summary, the main requirements you will want to keep an eye out for are:

Extreme temperature changes – this can result in melting ice and snow, which in turn creates a lot of water, which can lead to water ingress and overflowing gutters

Extreme wind – can lead to loosening of roofing materials and debris collection, leading to leakage and overflowing gutters

Heavy rain and snow – if your roof is already in a poor state of maintenance then heavy rain and snow fall can cause severe water ingress. Continue reading Common Industrial Roof Problems

How Can I Save More Fuel When I drive?

The list of things that affect the true cost of car ownership is depressing; insurance, tax, tyres, MOTs, repairs, breakdowns, parking fines… but the AA confirm that fuel expenditure is the biggest of all. For motorists who regular clock up hundreds of mile son the business commute or those who drive for a living such as delivery firms and Essex Removal Companies, finding ways to conserve fuel is incredible important. Continue reading How Can I Save More Fuel When I drive?

Access All Areas

Living with limited mobility should not restrict us from getting out and about and enjoying time with our family and friends. There are many great accessible attractions in the UK and businesses that cater well for visitors with limited mobility and/or disabilities are able to tap into a market of 11 million people and their families, with a spending power of over £200 billion! Some of the best attractions will even utilise the services of a Stairlifts Bristol company to make their upper levels accessible to all.   Here are some of the best visitor attractions for those who need greater accessibility: Continue reading Access All Areas

Best online training software for small businesses

All businesses, at some point or another, begin to plan for growth or, at the very least, acknowledge that growth is something they would like to address in the future. Whether it’s huge investments or ones that barely dent the budget, most companies of any size will probably agree that there is often one universal expenditure that is worth investing in; people. More specifically, the development and progression of the taskforce. Finding time to give your staff dedicated training sessions can be difficult, especially if they work in shift based positions or highly skilled and stressful jobs such as Close Protection London work. There are a number of ways that you can help to train staff in these kinds of positions. Continue reading Best online training software for small businesses

How refresher training can boost productivity and lessen accidents

When staff have been in their roles for a while or your company has operated in a certain way for a length of time, it’s easy to get into routines that aren’t necessarily the most productive. Teams don’t look for new ways of working or take advantage of technological changes and can get into bad habits that lead to workplace accidents. All of these can be avoided through a programme of annual refresher training. Continue reading How refresher training can boost productivity and lessen accidents