The most important previous notions for search engine optimization (SEO)

For newcomers to the digital world, the SEO acronym comes from “Search engine optimization” which means natural positioning of a website in search engines. I must say that in recent years what are considered best practices in SEO have changed a lot, and here who has taken the lead in this “party” was Google with its algorithm changes to avoid a series of actions that allowed many websites of questionable quality, position in the top positions in searches.

To put in a situation to all I will briefly review the Google algorithm changes in recent years:

– Panda (2011): First big algorithm change in the beginning to penalize duplicate content from some sites, content that were unrelated to the title of the web and reward those sites that users recommended.

– Penguin (2012): Second major change in which he emphasized the penalty on those pages that were abusing keywords in inappropriate contexts and aggressive link building strategies (search for links)

– Hummingbird (2013): This is very recent and is to reward more the context that own keywords sometimes therefore try at all costs that those pages well positioned to provide value to users. Continue reading The most important previous notions for search engine optimization (SEO)

The power of the “outsiders” as a sector can be changed from outside

If we define preliminarily the word “outsider” would be the person who observes a group from outside. It has also been coined this concept in other areas such as in the political arena. An Evo Morales will also be called “outsider” when he came to power in Bolivia coming from outside because of discontent that had the political class.

The important role of the “outsiders” in the business world

There are certain sectors, we could say most classic cut, that are flawed and numbed because longer meet the needs of the parties or incumbents. A toxic circle of immobility in which innovation is not contemplated is generated and has no place because to a few they not want to leave your area or comfort or want to defend their interests at any cost. It also gives some thinkers sector itself occasionally try to propose new sources of knowledge or ways to advance new ideas but that toxic circle handles quickly dismantle these “uncomfortable” proposals. Continue reading The power of the “outsiders” as a sector can be changed from outside

Surging House Prices as BTL Deadline Looms

The demand for buy-to-let properties has increased hugely as people rush to take advantage of current stamp duty rates before the changes come into effect on April 1st. The new rules after this date mean that buy-to-let properties will cost more. The pressure has been on for those looking for a buy-to-let property to seal the deal before the start of April. Continue reading Surging House Prices as BTL Deadline Looms

Know the art of choosing a partner for your business

There are certain aspects in life that good practices are given you for having assimilated well the theoretical part, and in others, apart from a theoretical basis other factors enter the fray such as intuition or insight. When you have to choose a partner for your business you need to look into this second situation for your choice as possible to what you really are looking to complement your business approach.

Aspects to consider could be summarized in the following points:

1- Do not make important decisions too quickly or viscerally: Avoid anything that makes you decide prematurely; most often occurs because of the “rush” we have to start with our company. Continue reading Know the art of choosing a partner for your business

Anti-crisis marketing tools and strategies for low budget

When we talk about marketing strategies in most cases just defining a marketing mix varied with the possibility of measuring all actions and refines much more in a second stage with data in hand. If our budget is tight margin of error is reduced considerably and not hit from the beginning causes not get a clear return on sales thus limiting our range of action a while.

I have heard many SMEs saying that adopt defensive postures waiting to pass the time in times of crisis when what they are doing is delaying the process of adaptation to the new economic context. Continue reading Anti-crisis marketing tools and strategies for low budget

Entrepreneurship in social networks a challenge for 2016

Today more than ever companies understand that undertake social media campaigns can raise their audiences and consumers dramatically. However, start with no previous experience can be challenging.

When it comes to start planning a strategy, especially now that we are in the beginning of the year, it is important to understand where it is pointed social media during 2016.

Currently, it is necessary to consider plans that allow companies or SMEs offer new trends and make brands are able to capitalize. The point is that while social media is constantly evolving, the skills of the Community Manager of any company must evolve to the same extent. Continue reading Entrepreneurship in social networks a challenge for 2016

Google Panda – what is it and how could it affect your website?

Google Panda was formerly known as one of Google’s most significant spam-fighting algorithms which sought to lower the rank of ‘poor-quality’ websites, and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. The algorithm was named after Navneet Panda, the Google engineer who developed the technology and made it possible for Google to create and implement the algorithm. Continue reading Google Panda – what is it and how could it affect your website?

Marketing with Videos: You’re losing money if you do not use …

“Why you do not use this tool in your Marketing, Lose (minimum) 30% of the profits of your Internet Business … And How to save themselves from this future in 4 Easy Steps”

If you are someone who is committed to your internet business, I would sooner know what this tool I am talking about it would prevent you to lose 30% of their profits Is not it?

In addition, do not worry, once we turn to that subject, but before that together would remember something that is even more important than this tool.

The why – “Yes, why you decided to start an internet business?” Continue reading Marketing with Videos: You’re losing money if you do not use …