All posts by f775Ha

Marketing in times of crisis: redefining the strategy

The duration of the crisis is a question for most experts, however, almost all agree that there is a change of model in the way we understand capitalism and our lives.

With regard to the world of marketing, we believe that this is a good opportunity to focus our efforts on offering the best experience and maximum value to our customers. Continue reading Marketing in times of crisis: redefining the strategy

Marketing YES, cheating NO

We live in a world where only the strongest is who triumphs. Not even if you have to be, with pretending is enough. The departments that develop the products (R & D) of large companies, do not waste time thinking whether that toy will be really educational, or if the new console game will have side effects in children and adolescents who practice it, not It matters too much if the sophisticated 3G mobile of last generation emits harmful radiations, or if the new soft drink of cola creates addiction to some substance or until developing pathologies in the future. Continue reading Marketing YES, cheating NO

Why choose readymix concrete for your next construction project

Pre-mixed concrete is a great option for construction projects as it is easy and convenient, while it is also potentially very high quality, so you will get a good finish for most projects. This type of concrete is manufactured by specialists using technology that helps to blend the perfect mix. Read on for more benefits to using pre-mixed concrete.

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Ready-mixed concrete is a popular choice for many construction projects. There are various benefits and the most obvious one is convenience. The pre-prepared mixture means you can easily use it immediately as it is perfectly blended to suit your requirements.

A perfect mix

Modern mixers are electronically controlled so that the ingredients are blended to exact proportions ensuring a perfect finish every time. This means it is high quality and you have a guarantee that the mixture is exactly measured with the water and aggregate.

The concrete will also be free from any rogue parts of defective materials, which could be a problem with concrete mixed elsewhere. The consistency of quality is important and this is assured with a professional readymix option.

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Professional advice

The suppliers of readymix are experts in the product. They know exactly what is needed for accuracy and can visit the site to measure and give a realistic quote related to how much concrete you need for the job. This kind of professional service will minimise waste, and therefore, cost and speed up the process.

Another way to get expert advice is to look online at the Concrete Society, which has advice about technical aspects of concrete, as well as training and education options, a bookshop and membership opportunities.

The greener option

Readymix concrete, such as that available from and other suppliers, is less polluting than other options. This is because pollutants are kept to a minimum, such as dust from cement. This makes it a healthier option and kinder to the environment. There are also energy savings as larger mixers are greener than smaller ones, making them more efficient, saving energy and in effect, lowering electricity bills.

Increased lifespan

The concrete from a pre-prepared mixture will last longer than other varieties. It is hardwearing and more durable, meaning you can enjoy decades of wear from readymix. It is also the most convenient option as it can be delivered directly to the site.

Improve the online service and enhance loyalty, the best strategy to avoid losing customers

ATG (Art Technology Group Inc.), provider of e-commerce solutions, has announced the results of a survey at European level that analyzes the satisfaction of users with the services and online supports of their mobile operators. The study highlights that is the least satisfied country with the online service it receives, with 40% of people dissatisfied with their current mobile operator, compared to 18% of European average. Continue reading Improve the online service and enhance loyalty, the best strategy to avoid losing customers

The future of the payment of purchases is the mobile phone

The time when we make payments with our mobile phones as shown by Google, with its new mobile with Android operating system, or the next release of Apple, the iPhone 5, which will include a chip, field communications chip ( NFC), which will allow you to do this type of management without needing to use credit cards. Continue reading The future of the payment of purchases is the mobile phone

12 Interesting Ways to Relax

Relaxing is perhaps one of the most effective methods to get on the path of success and think clearly about what we do with our lives, and how we can improve it.

This year I have been exploring ways to relax in order to have the necessary tools to calm down in times of stress.

The best way to deal with stress is to prevent it, but when we are in a tense moment it is good to know some relaxation technique to change our state quickly. We suggest visiting Best Facials in Manhattan.


Meditation is a way of giving a rest to your busy mind with constant worries. To meditate is simply to stop thinking, to stop focusing on yourself to concentrate on experiencing the world around you.

Try now, try to be 1 minute without thinking anything, just looking at an object that you like or with your eyes closed. Listen to your own breathing to make it easier for you to concentrate. At first, it will cost you to spend more than 10 seconds without thinking, but the more you practice the easier it is. How did you feel?


Take a few minutes to think about nice things. Take a temporary vacation in your imagination. You can be in Paris, sitting in a restaurant in the Eiffel Tower, having the best wine in the world with the person you most want just to close your eyes.

Imagine situations that you would like to live or remember the best moments of your life.

For your mind, imagining it is the same as experiencing it live, so what you visualize will change your current state.


Modern yoga (for those who do not know it) is a set of physical exercises designed to bring harmony and flexibility to your body. Doing a few minutes of gentle yoga is a great exercise for your body and your mind.

To relax you can also use any other physical exercise. Although physical exercise may seem more painful than relaxing, your body generates endorphins that leave you deeply relaxed after exercise.

Go for a walk

Strolling combines the benefit of physical exercise plus sunbathing and fresh air.

It also forces you to look at the landscape, something that distracts your mind from any worry you may have.

Listen to music

Spend some time enjoying your favorite music. No matter the style, any song that moves you even though it’s Heavy Metal is good for relaxing. If in addition to this you add singing and dancing you already have a complete relaxation session.


It does not matter how you do it but laughs. Laughing is the best remedy for stress.

Quick ideas to laugh:

  • Watch a series or comic movie
  • Explain a joke to your friends
  • Make a joke to a friend
  • Parody a song
  • Play with the effects of your webcam
  • Watch funny videos on the internet

Breath deeply

Oxygen relaxes we have all tried it and we know from experience. Oxygen is free and is everywhere, so take advantage of it.

My favorite breathing method to relax is to make 4 great inspirations and expirations. Try it now. Take a deep breath and breathe out little by little. Do you see the difference? If you are not relaxed yet, repeat it.

Giving A Massage

3 messages for 3 different occasions:

  1. Professional massage
  2. Couples massage
  3. Self-massage

Visit Waxing in NYC to get the best care of waxing.

Create With Hands

Focusing on creating something that you really like frees your mind of unnecessary tensions.

What do you like to do? You can try painting, scale models, DIY, cooking, making jewelry, sewing, making card castles, collecting Legos, recording stop-motion videos, recreating monuments with play dough or anything else that is imaginable.

Take care of your garden

Having a garden or orchard is a rewarding experience for the 5 senses.

If you can not have a garden for reasons of space, potted plants add a decorative and relaxing touch to your home.

Hot or Refreshing Bath

From a quick shower to a long bath, anything goes to relax. If taking a bath with foam and fragrances of eucalyptus or lavender does not relax you is that you are made of stone

You can also look for a gym that has a jacuzzi, thermal pools, and a sauna.

Play With Children Or Company Animals

Without a doubt, one of the best ways to relax…

Warning: Use sparingly as children have a lot of energy and can leave you exhausted.

Finally we recommended Spa in Manhattan and Best nail Salon in Manhattan to know more details.

Have a solid, known and recognized brand. Key to the success of your business

To face the challenges and opportunities of our time, the ability of companies to gain visibility, a clear and determined commitment to customer orientation, the constant creation of value and continuous innovation have become essential aspects to survive and thrive in a hyper competitive market like the current one.

Probably the smallest companies are the ones that have to face all these challenges with a greater degree of difficulty. For these companies marketing has to become an essential ally that contributes to gain competitiveness Continue reading Have a solid, known and recognized brand. Key to the success of your business