The marks are still answer your customers on social networks. According to data obtained by PuroMarketing first hand through an online survey of its readers, only 3 out of 10 I got a response in less than an hour, while a similar percentage expecting a reply was that never came.
The survey reflects the views of more than 5000 users PuroMarketing, recorded during the last half of 2013. These figures do not but note the lack of interest from brands to cater to their customers through social networks.A sad reality that contrasts with the demand for the latter, who increasingly turn to measure online media for a quick and effective solution to your problem. Continue reading Brands still do not respond in time to consumers in social networks→
The e-mailing remains one of the main tools of online marketing to reach consumers. One technique that has been purging itself over the years, adapting to new technologies and consumer intelligence; which has allowed it to improve its performance indices. This week the work of McKinsey & Company we indicated that e-mail marketing is up to 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter together.
This direct marketing technique found in smart devices to your great ally. ExactTarget indicates that more than half of these mails and opens in smartphones and tablets. A combination that is proving more than positive for marketers and sellers. Continue reading 62% of purchases made from a mobile originated from an e-mail→
Getting and keeping customers is a task increasingly complex. To do this, the strategy lies not only in the existence of the product, and at an affordable price, but there are many more determinants.
The study published by Marketing Interactions shows that 46% of buyers believe that your shopping experience is unsatisfactory. This frustration causes about 1 in 4 customers prefer to go to the competition, rather than complain at the shop. More than half of customers surveyed (54%) complain that the treatment received by the respondents is not suited to their expectations. Continue reading The customer experience cannot remain a future project→
The weight of social networks in the advertising market is becoming more and more crucial time. According to a recent study from Duke University, companies are increasingly committed to increase investment in social networks, spending not recruiting staff for tasks social media but in technological tools and, of course, ads in that market . As the years pass and as social networks become more common use, companies are buying more and more ads on media such as Facebook or Twitter.
The importance of these ads have in total ad spending is already quite remarkable. According to a study by eMarketer, at the end of 2014 10.5% of total online ad spending in the UK will be allocated to ads on social networks. The figure is impressive not only for itself but also shows an upward trend. Faced with the weight in previous years of advertising on social media, this year its weight on the total will grow by 4.2 percentage points. In addition, total ad spending in social media will rise by 50%. Continue reading 10.5% of all UK online ad spending is already social networking→
Are we on them to increase our ego, based only on the amount of fans we got? Do we really want to collaborate with the people we have connected or simply wish to promote ourselves or our product? Do we join a particular network just because everyone we know are in it? Are we prepared to invest the necessary time we need to achieve marketing goals Social Media throughout 2012?
All these are some of the issues highlighted through his blog, Brad Friedmann, and we ask ourselves before starting our journey in the media and social networks, defining and taking clear our purpose and primary objectives. However, there are many who without clarifying these issues are released to finding adventure in the big road difficulties and counter-times. This is the ideal moment to reflect these goals which are really to begin to organize and focus on the right track. Continue reading Planning our activity in the media and social networks… Get organized!→
Email, today, has become the main tool for companies to continuously and directly communicate with other people. Every day, a lot of mails are sent; making becomes a suitable means for organizations to manage the relationship with their customers by attracting, developing and retaining them.
In this sense, electronic newsletters are periodical publications that are sent by email to Internet through massively and dealing with one or more topics of interest to your audience. Among the main uses; They are: advertising, marketing, invitations to events, promotions, surveys, reports, corporate information, news, collections, etc … Continue reading 6 characteristics that must have a successful newsletter→
Social networks have a nascent market niche and untapped. It is the senior users, over 65 years, great adepts of technology have gradually discovering the benefits of soaking in the middle 2.0.
The report by the Pew Research Center this month indicated that 60% of adults over 65 have internet access. Of these, 71% connect daily. This is the segment of the most social people in Social Media. These users develop greater social activity with its closest environment younger users. They have found on the internet and social networks a way to stay informed of what is happening abroad, as well as a way to connect with theirs. Although his presence on Twitter still is small (6%), its adoption is recorded with a good rate of growth. The number of users of social networks among these users has doubled in just three years. This shows your interest for this channel. Continue reading 10 Tips to promote engagement on Twitter with the elderly→
Register a corporate profile on social networking sites is free, but properly manage online brand presence on that platform no longer so. It is a laborious task that requires effort and dedication.
The latest report published by the University of Social Media Marketing (SMMU) analyzes how long marketers invest in Social Media and how to use this time or that activities devoted more attention. Continue reading What invest time professionals Social Media?→
The digital marketing, as all materials that can analyze, is no stranger to urban legends, lies or uncomfortable truths. Perhaps because the digital world is moving very fast and not so many years that we are immersed in a world 2.0 makes there are certain concepts floating and transmitted from users to users, without being able to deny adamantly so that you can convey a knowledge bases common sense and hire help marketing services knowing what to expect. Continue reading 9 great lies of digital marketing→
In digital marketing, we find many companies that one of its main functions (most if not the most important) is how to generate qualified with which leads to nurture sales force (contact center) formed and prepared, with the aim to achieve good conversion rates.
For the uninitiated…
– LEAD: When a user comes to our website and fills out the form contact for a call back or we send product information with name, email, phone for example, that’s a lead.
That is the great source of users interested in our products generating sales opportunities for the site in question. Hence one of the major headaches of Marketing is responsible for: sack that source qualified leads that I can sell and profitable exit well, the main sources to generate leads are the following? Continue reading How to generate leads and qualify them effectively→
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