Seven Key Benefits of Truck Cameras

Camera systems are becoming increasingly common both in cars and commercial vehicles. But why should you install one? Here are some of the benefits.

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1. Evidence of Accidents

In the event of an accident, having a car or truck camera installed means that you’ll always have an impartial witness to what happened. Cameras can capture video before and after an incident, so it’s possible to see the build-up to events as well as the accident itself.

2. Monitoring Drivers

For fleet managers installing a camera also allows monitoring of drivers. This has a dual benefit: it can offer evidence of bad driving, but it also puts drivers on their best behaviour since they know that they are being watched. This means they’re less likely to make errors, and they will take better care of their vehicle. Some cameras have two lenses to observe both driver and road.

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3. Cutting Fraud

We’ve all seen in the press news about insurance fraud via cash-for-crash scams. These are costing the industry millions of pounds every year. Having a dashcam from a supplier such as Backwatch safety products installed means that you have evidence of any suspicious incidents, which in itself may cause the fraudsters to look for a softer target.

4. Insurance Benefits

Insurance companies like dashcams because they provide clear evidence of any accidents or other incidents that occur. They may therefore give you a discount on your premium for having one installed.

5. Protection While Parked

The latest cameras often have a sleep mode so that they monitor the vehicle when stationary. If someone breaks in or another vehicle hits yours while it’s parked, the camera will come to life and collect details of the incident.

6. Location, Location

GPS tracking is now included in many cameras. This means that you automatically have a record of where the vehicle is all the time the camera is active. This eliminates any dispute about where incidents took place and also means that you have a record of the route which the vehicle has taken.

7. Speed Matters

Recording the speed the vehicle was doing at the time of an incident is important, and many cameras can do this too. They also include accelerometers to measure changes in speed that occur such as from heavy braking.

Social media professionals: You will not go to bed without knowing one more thing

This, our changing world of social media, dawns every day with a new twist. You never know what awaits you, it can be Google with the presentation of your new pet, Mr. Zuckemberg experimenting day after day with his TL; or the birth of another new social network that comes to saturate an increasingly competitive market … what will be next? You will never know that, but better not to be caught by surprise: Continue reading Social media professionals: You will not go to bed without knowing one more thing

Essential keys to create a truly social media strategy

The term strategy does not consist of a series of indications that are more or less beautiful on paper, it is a scheme that faithfully and in detail reflects the workflow that must be followed to be truly effective. they are not recommendations, nor the hypothetical representation of an unreal world, a “how should it be” … Rest assured that the correct design of the strategy will depend on the success of your action in social networks. But what are the steps and keys to a clearly defined strategy? Continue reading Essential keys to create a truly social media strategy

Social networks are useless!

“Social networks are useless.” I have heard this expression in many professionals who believe that communication plans in social media are ineffective or unprofitable. And they do not lack reason, since social networks are tools that will only be useful to us without really knowing how to manage them, manage them and we know our market and how to seduce it. Continue reading Social networks are useless!

Why a website can not be worth 500 dollars

Your web page was designed and programmed by a cousin of yours from Cuenca who is very crafty? Do you have a website because all the companies have one? Did you execute it without formulating objectives? Do you know how many visits you receive on your website and where they come from? Do you want to open a profile on Facebook or Twitter but have not reviewed your website in the last 5 years? Continue reading Why a website can not be worth 500 dollars

Ten Benefits of a WordPress Business Website

Think WordPress is just for blogs? Think again.

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WordPress Is Easy

Because it was designed for bloggers, WordPress had to be easy for non-technical people to use in order to succeed. This means your staff will easily be able to get the hang of it.

WordPress Is Open Source

WordPress is run by a community, meaning it’s not owned by anyone. This means you don’t have to worry about the company that controls your website code going out of business, getting taken over or suddenly doubling their prices.

WordPress Is Powerful

With proper planning you can easily scale sites with WordPress, growing them to thousands of pages, images and files.

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WordPress Is Free

Because it’s open source, you’re free to download WordPress, install it on any hosting service you like, such as, and off you go. Of course, you may well want to seek the help of a London WordPress web design agency, but you’re not going to be tied into anything.

WordPress Has Lots of Plugins

Want to turn your site into a shop? There’s a plugin for that. Gallery? You can automatically update it with every picture you post to Instagram. In fact, there are over 50,000 and counting.

WordPress Is SEO-Friendly

There are also many great plugins to help you with SEO. Yoast’s plugin, for example, will score each page of your site and suggest tips to bump pages up Google’s rankings.

WordPress Is Flexible

Fancy a complete redesign? With just a few clicks you can give your whole site a new look with a new template.

WordPress Has a Vibrant Community

Because WordPress is so popular, there are a lot of people familiar with it. If you run a website using a CMS created by one company and your main designer leaves, you’re going to spend a lot of time and effort finding a new one. With WordPress, you have access to a global pool of talent.

WordPress Is Built in PHP

If PHP is good enough for sites like Facebook and Google, it’s good enough for you!

WordPress Plays Well with Others

If you use cloud services like Salesforce or Mailchimp, you’ll want them to connect with your website so you can transfer data. With WordPress, all of these connections already exist.

Social networks are not stupid, the important thing is to know how to use them and take advantage of them

The main problem that many small businesses seem to have when deciding to make the leap to social networks is that they devote themselves to discussing them but never decide to give them a real, practical use or that can generate a beneficial return for their clients. business, coming to cross them even stupid. Continue reading Social networks are not stupid, the important thing is to know how to use them and take advantage of them

Everything you need to know about VoIP termination

One of the reasons VoIP adoption is picking up is because customers are finally confident that they can pick up a VoIP handset, and it will ‘just work’ in the same way a traditional telephone would – regardless of whether they are calling a landline or VoIP line.

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This seamless functionality is because of VoIP termination. Termination refers to the entire process involved with completing the call – the origination, transfer over networks, destination, and all fees and operators involved.

With termination involving so many critical factors, knowing a bit about how VoIP calls are terminated is important to make informed decisions about your service, so here is a basic rundown of concepts involved in VoIP call termination.

Call source and destination

Fairly self-explanatory, but none the less important, are the calling and called party. Clearly, the calling party is the initiator of the call, whether from a landline, mobile, or VoIP device. The called party is the endpoint that the call must be routed to, again, whether it be landline, mobile, or VoIP. This routing is handled by the network operators.

Network operators

Usually referred to as providers or carriers, the network operators are the organisations who run the VoIP networks. They could be Tier 1 providers who are licensed to operate an internet telephony network, a Tier 2 provider who leases services of a Tier 1 provider, a Tier 3 provider who utilises the services of either, or a wholesale termination provider such as Ultimately, your network provider is responsible for the quality and termination of your call.

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Call origination

While this sounds the same as the source, it isn’t. Call origination refers to which type of infrastructure the call comes from. VoIP providers need to be able to communicate seamlessly with mobile and landline telephone networks, both passing calls to them in correct formats, and being able to receive and route calls that originate on these other networks.

Control of fees

Depending on the source and destination of the call, termination will involve some degree of cost. These costs can be kept very low for VoIP to VoIP calls, as data is cheap. Costs increase, though, if the call needs to break out to traditional carriers – landline and mobile calling being more expensive.

What is the current landscape of the Social Media Marketing industry?

No one escapes that Social Media has been a real revolution for many professionals and companies that have seen the great potential it has for your business. There are many data that are considered about the state of Social Media Marketing, but how is it really, what is the current landscape of Social Media? Continue reading What is the current landscape of the Social Media Marketing industry?