What are the reasons why consumers break their relationship with brands?

Users have become jealous of their privacy, it is getting harder to get their contact details. According to ExactTarget, 77% of online consumers in the United States are reluctant to provide their e-mail address. When a follower starts following a company it assumes a vote of confidence that companies do not always deserve, so that more and more users choose to abandon the brands. Continue reading What are the reasons why consumers break their relationship with brands?

Time, dictatorship of digital marketing

It has always surprised me, when you make use of the forms and characteristics of so-called conventional marketing, about digital marketing. One hundred and one things happen to me to confirm, that although they have a lot in particular, the idiosyncrasy of the channel and of course, its varied platforms, give it peculiarities, that we can not ignore. One of them is especially the time.

We could focus on the importance of the same for a web, when time is a very valuable variable for its positioning, or in an e-commerce, when time is certainly, essential to give a good experience in navigation to the user, and By effect thereof, substantially improve the conversion rate. But time on the network affects everything, even this article, curious, but if you have arrived here, is that at least, I got your attention, much more of the time that is needed or necessary, to capture a possible Customer across the network. Continue reading Time, dictatorship of digital marketing

Online marketing: Development phases of a plan for an SME

Currently, the prospection of new markets, communication, digital interaction with customers and potential customers, catalogs on the internet, have an online store, participate in social networks, disseminate videos of product or service presentation, e- Mail-marketing,?, Are essential tools for marketing and communication in competitive enterprise.

Today we have more information than we can process; Just search the Google name of any company, so that in a few seconds we have a complete report with which to compare and know the opinions of other consumers, prices, .. The market has changed the way we relate to the offer and The demand as we have been doing so far. The information is available to everyone and every day this information has to be better, more accessible and more transparent to win the trust of the new consumer. Continue reading Online marketing: Development phases of a plan for an SME

Influential public purpose or To whom directing our strategy of Social Media?

Social Media is much talk of influential or “Influencers”. It is true that, through the dimension of greater or lesser network structure are important for a particular niche and that can accelerate or reduce the purchase decision of customers and also help make or break the online reputation of brands. In this situation, companies are aware of this and many try to “entertain them” with gifts or discounts to try to gain their trust and speak well of them, because they are more effective and cheaper to do mass actions advertising medium. Continue reading Influential public purpose or To whom directing our strategy of Social Media?

Does your website know where your business is going?

Straight to the point. Without introductions of the type: “ARPANET was born in the early seventies …” or “Nowadays, having a web page is fundamental because …” None of this will occupy the following lines. Let’s settle in the now. In the immediate reality of 2013. If we are able to answer affirmatively to the question, Does my company have a corporate website ?, then I would invite you to continue reading this article. If not, a free recommendation: please contact urgently with any web development agency and open the window to the future that has been committed to leave closed.

For those who passed the cut, here are some tips, which will help you get better conversion results on your website. Continue reading Does your website know where your business is going?

Data tampering: five early signs

Securing data is important for business, and with new legislation like GDPR coming into force soon, it’s something that must be taken seriously. It’s therefore vital that any activity which could signal attempts to steal or delete sensitive information is spotted and dealt with early.

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Despite improvements in endpoint security in recent years, most experts now believe it’s a matter of when, not if, organisations suffer some form of cyber attack. Spotting the signs of an attack on data before it becomes a problem is something IT admins need to take seriously. There are five signs which should always prompt further investigation.

Archive access

Although it may contain confidential information about a business and its clients, archive storage is generally given less attention than live systems. This can make it a tempting target for attackers. A sudden increase in requests to access archive information should always prompt an investigation. Access to archives should be controlled just as strictly as access to live systems.

Rejected logins

Endpoint protection systems, from suppliers such as https://www.promisec.com/, should allow you to spot rejected logins. While one or two might be down to a forgotten or mistyped password, a large number could be evidence of a brute force attack on your systems and therefore needs to be taken seriously.

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Unauthorised file access

Attempts to read files that the user isn’t authorised to access could indicate that credentials have been compromised. Companies need to be aware of who has access to what data, and any attempts to open files that have not been used before should arouse suspicion. New accounts should always be set up using a ‘least privilege’ model to prevent unnecessary access.

Data access anomalies

If a user suddenly begins accessing or modifying many more files than usual, then this too needs investigation. It could be legitimate, but it could also indicate an insider threat or even be part of a ransomware attack.

User behaviour

Increasingly, detecting unauthorised access attempts relies on behavioural techniques. If a user account signs in outside of normal working hours, or from a different location, or a different device, this can be an early warning that the login credentials have been compromised. It should at least prompt a check to see that the user isn’t on a business trip or working from another office.

Social Media: Separating the grain from the straw

One of the biggest obstacles that have today some of the companies involved in social media is to clearly understand the effect of their efforts on social media.

The first challenge is the magnitude of social conversation today: There are over one billion Facebook users, hundreds of millions of people on Twitter and LinkedIn, and there are thousands of smaller social networks but no less important for certain activities, Online communities, forums of specific interests … If we add a few million blogs, just keeping track of these channels becomes a really overwhelming task and more, keep activity on them. Continue reading Social Media: Separating the grain from the straw

3 out of 4 SMBs do not appear in online searches

26.4% of SMBs do not appear in searches because their pages do not go beyond 0 in Google PageRank or do not have PageRank, as vSplash has been able to verify after having audited more than 3.9 million SMB web pages American countries.

The audit has revealed a number of inefficiencies that analysts have come to value in $ 24.3 billion of lost opportunities for marketing and digital media solutions providers. And this despite a recent study which states that 1 in 2 dollars spent on online marketing services are dedicated to ensuring the presence of the web. That study, conducted by Borrell Associates, the presence of SMEs on the web cost $ 202 billion in 2012, including web design and management, hosting and social media management services. Continue reading 3 out of 4 SMBs do not appear in online searches

How to Invest Your Social Media Time

How can a small business know when or not to be in social media, or what types of social media should it use if they are a very small or very new company?

For both questions, it comes down to a question of time, money, and priorities. I will try to give “clues” and opinions to answer this question:

You have a website?

For most companies, whether neighborhood stores, consultancies, restaurants or event planners, there is no reason to have social networks if there is an online presence to back it up. If you only sell things in your store, on street x, there is little reason to have, e.g. a Twitter account, if you do not have a link to something that describes your business in more detail and that a user can discover.

“What if I have a Google page or a Facebook page? Is not that enough?” Continue reading How to Invest Your Social Media Time