Content Marketing: Why is it so important and how to take advantage of it?

Content Marketing continues to be one of the fundamental pillars and most important in any digital strategy. Content must be present in every marketing strategy that matters. It is its main asset, and as such must be careful; Maintaining both its quality and frequency of updating.

We are in full revolution of content as a revulsive in the communication of marks

The volume of information published on the Internet has multiplied by 9 in the last 5 years, and is expected to quadruple in 2015. The latest study from MailOnline confirms that brands are committed to content marketing. 3 out of 4 companies include it in their online communication strategy; In addition, 69% want to increase their investment in this area in the coming years. Continue reading Content Marketing: Why is it so important and how to take advantage of it?

Google already monopolizes half of the world’s mobile advertising business

Google has managed to get more than half of the $ 8.8 billion spent globally on mobile internet ads this year, boosting the company and managing to control about a third of total global spending on digital advertising, according to the data Supplied by eMarketer with the world’s leading digital and worldwide advertising revenue figures in leading companies. Continue reading Google already monopolizes half of the world’s mobile advertising business

Coupons drive the success of mobile commerce

Mobile commerce has grown significantly and, moreover, very rapidly. In just three years it has gone from representing 3% of the volume of e-commerce to reach 11%, according to data from comScore. Excluding figures related to travel and tourism, the total amounts to $ 18.6 billion.

Current mobile trends, including coupons, apply significantly, and will lead these figures to grow by 15% by the end of 2013. Continue reading Coupons drive the success of mobile commerce

If the goal is just to sell more, Social Media is not the right channel

Companies that undertake or rely on a social strategy in social networks with the sole aim of selling more must analyze their priorities in depth.

That social networks help to sell more we all know is a reality. But that its only objective is this, is a common error. More common than we think. So how to use Social Media as the only advertising channel without off line actions. Continue reading If the goal is just to sell more, Social Media is not the right channel

Employee relocation from an HR perspective

Whilst offering relocation opportunities to your workforce can help you attract, retain and develop staff, relocation comes at a cost in time and finance to the organisation, whilst to the employee, there can be a great psychological impact.

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The psychological effects of relocation

Even if, alongside the relocation policy, a company has provided a comprehensive timeframe and processes for an employee’s relocation, there will inevitably be some ambivalence regarding the move from the employee. Moving house is a recognised stressful event in itself. Add to this commencing a new role or project, albeit it with the same company, plus the effects of the move on the employee’s family, as they too, struggle to settle into a new home, job or school.

As far back as 1967, psychologists Holmes and Rahe, listed ‘change of residence’ as a major life event in terms of stress, along with changes in working role and conditions. More recently, in 2013, The Telegraph found that two-thirds of poll respondents stated moving house as being at the very top of their list of stressors, see

It is, therefore, essential that the relocation process is managed carefully. It will also be beneficial to have a competitive relocation package set up, as this can relieve many worries of those relocating.

What to include in a competitive relocation package

There are many things to consider including in a relocation package and it may be prudent to engage a corporate relocation company to advise, for example Using such a service can minimise stress as the corporate relocation service will have extensive experience of all the factors that will need to be considered.

Key considerations include having in place equitable compensation adjustments, as the cost of living and local tax rates may be higher in the place that the employee is relocating to. Additionally, it will be beneficial to have an agreed amount of paid leave for the employee to house hunt, visit schools and for the actual move itself. Engaging a specialist relocation estate agent to support house hunting activities can be a welcome idea, as can setting an agreed amount towards the cost of professional moving services and travel expenses. Finally, it may also be worth having in place the opportunity for loss of sale reimbursement benefits linked to any sale of the employee’s home.

Social networks still can not dethrone organic searches

The most common way to find new web pages among users is through the search engines, Forrester Research reveals in a new study that has just been published.

Participants in the study were asked how they had found the websites they had visited in the previous month, and 54% said they had been through search engines, up from 50% the previous year. Notably, social networks had improved their position in the ranking, placing in a second place in 2012, with 32% compared to 25% in 2011. Continue reading Social networks still can not dethrone organic searches

How do potential customers respond to emails during the holidays?

Experian Marketing Services, has just presented the results of the first international study on effects of campaigns sending emails during the holiday season. This study includes the analysis of more than 100,000 e-mail campaigns by more than 1,000 brands in 10 markets including Australia, China, France, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. October and the end of December 2012.

The goal is to better understand how potential customers respond to commercial messages sent over the Internet and the similarities and differences of Internet users in different regions of the world. Continue reading How do potential customers respond to emails during the holidays?

Users would share more information in exchange for a good online experience

Personal information is our greatest treasure. We take great care to provide certain personal information, especially to brands. The email address or the place of residence is not data to be aerated because yes.On the other hand, when it comes to obtaining a greater benefit, we think about it.

The Intent study indicates that customers would be willing to provide their personal data, without having a better online experience. This is reflected in this infographic, which indicates that more than half of users on social networks would share their social information if their online experience was more personalized and tailored to their interests. Continue reading Users would share more information in exchange for a good online experience

It’s Electric!

Ever wondered what a sparky does? Working with electricity can be a dangerous business as electricians are responsible for installing, testing, repairing and maintaining electrical wiring or electronics. Electricians can be called on to work in a wide range of environments including commercial properties, homes, power stations or machinery and even robotics. Electricians can also be employed in dealing with low voltage systems like security alarms and telephone, internet and video cabling.

If you’re thinking of training to be one then you’ll need to do things like read blueprints and be involved in installing, maintaining and repairing wiring and electronics. During the construction of new buildings, electricians may work on the wiring and circuits or they may retro-fit after the building is complete. Problem-solving and decision making to improve electrical output may also be needed. You will also find electricians working inside factories or industrial facilities working on electrical machinery and robots. It is quite a perilous profession and especially for the electricians who work outside on cabling and wiring lines where safety is paramount.

The qualities that are needed to be an electrician include the following: a certain level of physical fitness, normal colour vision (for wiring purposes), good with your hands, a sense of balance and to be good with heights. Useful subjects to study at school include maths, physics, chemistry, computing, english and technology. A career in electricity can be well paid and is in high demand and our need for electricity isn’t going to diminish anytime soon. An electrician may also find themselves working in quite exciting settings as the entertainment industry always requires electricians to install and arrange complex lighting for concerts and shows.

An electrician can also operate their own business, responding to call outs from customers and working on different projects. An electrician will most likely need a van for transporting tools and equipment between jobs. The best way to protect the interior of a van and organise tools is to have plywood fitted to the rear of the van. Not only does this prolong the life of the vehicle but also looks professional and smart. For Van ply lining information, visit

Being an electrician is an interesting and varied job and work can be required literally anywhere there is lighting, climate control, alarm systems or appliances. One day you could be using testing meters to isolate electrical faults, supervising apprentices and then inspecting and repairing circuit breakers and transformers. The next day you could be installing back-up generators in commercial properties.

The job involves bending, kneeling and standing for long periods so you’ll need to be fairly fit. The job can be noisy if you’re working in an industrial plant with heavy machinery and of course run the risk of electric shocks and burns. There are strict guidelines in place for the use of safety clothing and eye protection. The job can be dangerous but offers a great deal of satisfaction and is a highly sought after skill meaning you should never be short of work.