Businesses start to worry a lot more to retain customers

On more than one occasion we have seen how to get a new customer it is much more expensive than keeping an existing one. This has not been an impediment to companies to allocate much of their marketing budget in order to increase their bag of customers. However, we are finally witnessing a turn around the current client, a concern to keep and actions that help create loyalty. Continue reading Businesses start to worry a lot more to retain customers

10 Tips to promote engagement on Twitter with the elderly

Social networks have a nascent market niche and untapped. It is the senior users, over 65 years, great adepts of technology have gradually discovering the benefits of soaking in the middle 2.0.

The report by the Pew Research Center this month indicated that 60% of adults over 65 have internet access. Of these, 71% connect daily. This is the segment of the most social people in Social Media. These users develop greater social activity with its closest environment younger users. They have found on the internet and social networks a way to stay informed of what is happening abroad, as well as a way to connect with theirs. Although his presence on Twitter still is small (6%), its adoption is recorded with a good rate of growth. The number of users of social networks among these users has doubled in just three years. This shows your interest for this channel. Continue reading 10 Tips to promote engagement on Twitter with the elderly

Northern Ireland’s Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Has Overspent By Millions

According to the audit office, a scheme for renewable energy run by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment has experienced serious failings and is set to overspend its budget by millions of pounds.

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The Renewable Heat Scheme

The scheme was launched in 2012 with a £25 million grant, the idea being to encourage both businesses and domestic properties to switch to a biomass heating system. In a shocking turn of events, however, up to £140 million could be taken out of Northern Ireland’s budget to cover the deficit which has been created, most of which will be paid for with tax payers’ money.

The failing scheme was highlighted by a whistleblower, who revealed that some organisations and individuals were abusing the system in order to receive large amounts of payment. This was made possible because uncapped payments were offered, meaning the more energy created the more money received. To take one individual example, a firm in the UK using a boiler for energy could earn up to £192,000, but a firm in Northern Ireland doing the exact same thing had the potential to earn £860,000.

What Happens Now?

When it comes to solar panels Northern Ireland still benefits from the government’s ROC Scheme, meaning users can earn money through generating green power. Solar panels in Northern Ireland are a popular source of renewable energy and are easy to install in both business and domestic properties.

According to Ofgem the DETI have now suspended all applications to the scheme as of February 2016.

External consultants have now been employed to check those on the scheme match the relevant criteria needed and are not abusing the system.

Those involved are now under scrutiny, as it is believed the huge failings of the scheme could have been remedied sooner if those in charge had taken action as soon as flaws in the scheme had been identified. Many still believe that the underlying premise of the scheme was well founded and could have been successful, but that the fraud which has taken place is inexcusable and should result in prison sentences.

For the sake of Northern Ireland’s taxpayers, it is vital that lessons are learnt so that schemes which could benefit our planet are still able to go ahead under the right guidance.

4 Tell-Tale Signs your Air Ducts need Cleaned

Air ducts can gather and accumulate a lot of debris such as dust and dirt particles. Since the air duct will try to circulate clean air, it can do nothing but push the dust particles back out into the atmosphere, which can lead to poor quality indoor air and an increase of unfortunate allergies. The most common of these symptoms include itchy eyes, runny noses and breathing problems. It is important to regularly check and clean your ductwork system to ensure they are performing to the best of their ability. Here are some tell-tale signs your ducts and vents need a good cleaning:

  1. Signs of Bug Infestations

It’s not a particularly pleasant sign, but it is pretty easy to deal with. If you notice signs of insects such as droppings inside the ducts or even tiny scratches, it could be a clear sign of a possible rodent or insect infestation. Dirty air vents are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and dust mites, who thrive in humid temperatures. They feed off dead skin cells and live in our beds, carpets and even the duct vents. Noticing any signs of their presence is a definite way to tell that your ductwork system needs cleaned.

  1. Mould Growth

When your ducts are covered in dust and have become quite moist or damp, it can lead to the development of mould on the ceiling, walls or inside the walls of the vents etc. Mould is a clear sign of moisture problems, so make sure you have your ducts cleaned as soon as possible to stop the problem before it gets any worse.

  1. Excessive Dirt

If you notice that the building has begun to get a lot more “dusty” that usual, it could be caused by the ventilation systems needing a good cleaning job. According to this article, clogged ducts can not only directly affect airflow efficiency, but inject these harmful pollutants throughout the home or workplace. Places with carpets will be even more prone to excess dirt and dust. Hoover the area regularly and consider having your carpets cleaned on a regular basis to coincide with the clean ducts.

  1. Air Duct Inspection

If you are unsure whether or not your ducts need cleaning, it is safer to schedule a professional ductwork inspection. Kent Duct cleaning companies such as, will not only carry out the required inspection, but will also provide expert duct cleaning services to ensure that only clean air is circulated within the building.

What invest time professionals Social Media?

Register a corporate profile on social networking sites is free, but properly manage online brand presence on that platform no longer so. It is a laborious task that requires effort and dedication.

The latest report published by the University of Social Media Marketing (SMMU) analyzes how long marketers invest in Social Media and how to use this time or that activities devoted more attention. Continue reading What invest time professionals Social Media?

Rumors about the closure of Party and nostalgia make it viral social networks

For many consumers it is being a drama: Twitter is filled with complaints and lamentations. The news of the closure of the iconic confectioner Party ran like wildfire that burns. Everyone feared by Fresquito candy or popular Kojak, that this apparent closure would no longer manufactured. For some, the news meant much more, it’s like they stole children, they say, and others and recommend go buy the last provisions that may be available in stores products confectioner. Thus the news about Kojak, managed to put the brand as the main trending topic.

However, all the hype corresponds only to the widespread rumor that the company seems to have been quick to deny and soon will know through a special statement. They claim from Gonzoo, through a telephone conversation, the company has denied the news spread by different means being blunt: “The activity of the company continues”. According to this source, “what will occur is a liquidation of the company, which will end with the sale of the company, but, he insists, production, time, will not be affected.” At least it clarifies as well, it is what it seems at the moment. Continue reading Rumors about the closure of Party and nostalgia make it viral social networks

Event Planning 101: keep the Adrenaline, Lose the Stress

Planning an event is stressful, whether you’re an experienced event planner or doing it for the first time. That adrenaline, however, is paramount to the successful running of an event: it’s what you need to spin all those plates and execute the actual event. Read on for this simple and short guide to keeping your cool whilst embracing the pressure to help get your event off the ground.

Checklist and Timeline Planning

Before you do anything, make a checklist. This checklist can include everything from the vital (venue) to the seemingly trivial (napkins). Once you have your checklist, split it into things to buy and things to do. Then draw up a timeline of events, with deadlines for each item on the list. Refer back to this list on a daily basis to ensure that nothing has been left behind. Leave space to add new things into the list too. Budget at this point too, and try to factor in a 10% contingency overall.


The venue should be the first thing you book, especially if your event is a wedding, as you are often more limited on dates, season and days of the week.

Think carefully when picking a venue, as it needs to tick a lot of boxes. Check whether your venue has enough covered areas. Would you need a marquee too? If you need marquee hire in Kent or London, it’s worth organising this early on. Established firms such as provide marquee hire in Kent.

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Staying Cool

Accept the adrenaline as part of the job and work with it; you need to feel a bit pressured to get the event actually off the ground, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also stay calm. Keep your cool by sticking to your checklist, the timeline and the budget. Hold regular meetings to ensure everything is going to plan.

Evaluate and Reflect

Take the time to listen to feedback from those that attended, as well as those that were part of the planning. Hold an evaluation meeting as soon as possible after the event and reflect on everything that’s said.

Staying cool in the face of event planning is essential, but never stay quite so cool that you miss vital things. Planning is key to successful event planning, as is evaluation.

8 Ways to retain customers without getting into a price war

The customer loyalty or what is the same look for the buy / recurrent contracting of products or services of a company by consumers, has a double advantage.

The first and most obvious, it is that we guarantee an upcoming sale to the same customer. The second and equally interesting, is that a loyal customer is a satisfied customer. According to a study by Nielsen, 92 percent of consumers take into account the views of relatives or friends when making a purchase decision. Therefore, investing in customer loyalty is also investing in attracting new customers.

Lower prices, very common practice in times of crisis to retain and attract new customers, does not guarantee loyalty. If we apply techniques loyalty to the first signs of economic recovery, customers can return to brands previously used. Continue reading 8 Ways to retain customers without getting into a price war

38% of online customers abandon their purchase if they have to register first

To encourage online sales, it is necessary to facilitate maximum buying process. A basic premise that not always take into account the retailers.

As recorded by the study of Skrill, about 4 out of 10 customers online (38%) was willing to leave abandoned your cart, if the online platform requires you to register before buying.

Concern about privacy of information is a determining factor for customers to complete the purchase process factor. 32% of them feel that companies ask too much information; unnecessary to buy online. Also, another important part (25%) distrusts the web is safe, and prefers to keep buying on another website. Continue reading 38% of online customers abandon their purchase if they have to register first

Why change the company logos over time?

In 1934, what is now known as Canon launched a camera in Japan, which marked the starting signal for what the passage of time become a multinational company not only manufactured cameras, but many more things (after the Second War World, for example, they were especially known for their typewriters). The camera was then Kwanon christened in honor of a Buddhist deity, and the brand logo was designed from that point of inspiration. The firm quickly saw that it had to be changed: in the following years became Canon and eliminated the goddess of its brand image. They wanted to be modern. Today, 80 years later, no one would think of a Buddhist goddess to see the Canon logo with a stylized red letters.

The firm is one of the common when items are made graphic showing the evolution of company logos. It is not the only example. Microsoft, Nokia, IBM and even Apple logos have been as varied. Closer geographically, for example, can think of Telephone, the evolution of logos ranges from the distinctly retro medallion was founded in 1924 as the National Telephone Company and reaches the grainy 80s, culminating to regain full name and logo and make it disappear when he reinvented himself as Movistar. Although, of course, consumers will always remember and have in mind the graphic images of public phone booths or they had in their homes when they think of the brand image of Telephone. Continue reading Why change the company logos over time?