Nearly half of buyers (47%) say they prefer to make their holiday shopping online this year. Some shopping this season will increase by 5% over the previous year, as recorded by the computer graphics of Short Stack.
Internet is the main source of inspiration for 3 out of 4 buyers; where search and capture deals online monopolize much of the time you spend 40% of them.
Shipping costs remain a decisive influence on the final purchase decision. For 44% of consumers, it is the second most important in deciding factor to complete your order. An increasingly common way to avoid this expense is the possibility to buy online and pick up in store. Advantage to that already noted 44% of customers. Continue reading Internet is the main source of inspiration for 3 out of 4 buyers→
Manhattan Associates, Inc., a provider of solutions for the supply chain, has revealed in its latest study on online purchases that compliance with delivery can make the difference for online stores in our country between re-sell or not to the same buyer.
The survey, conducted among a thousand buyers of both sexes and older, notes that 81.7% of respondents give a vital importance to meeting deadlines, stating that not done in time discourage them buy back in the online trade in the future. In addition, 81.3% said it would be more true to an eCommerce options that offer faster delivery and reduce delivery times as well. Continue reading The speed of delivery, the primary requirement of buyers online→
It has always been important to provide interesting content to attract the attention of users and thus have a sales opportunity having generated a value to this person.
If it was already before, since Google made changes in its algorithm, now even more. We keep reading everywhere that the “content is king” but is that AIDA today is an undeniable truth: If you are able to provide relevant content, that are useful or simply users who like to read:
Best will search engine positioning
Your commitment to the audience will be rewarded with more and more quality traffic
Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of, once said: ” We had three great ideas on Amazon we have retained for 18 years, and they are the reason why we have been successful: putting the customer first invents and be patient … ” But what means putting the customer first? Or put another way, how can we guide our company to the customer and make this the epicenter of our business? The answer to this question gives us the customer. That is, the key is to “listen to the customer” and for that we can rely on…
External market studies
Market studies expert consultants can always give us the information we need to understand our customer or potential customer and know what they expect from us. In addition, knowledge of the sector in which we operate is essential for trends to guide us where we should go. Continue reading The key is listening to the customer→
When we talk about bloggers successful, we are referring to a person who has managed to build productive habits around his words, based on his own story often and after a long career has included blogging in their daily lives and in their life in general.
For these bloggers successful, your blog is not just a space where they post often but ultimately embody much of his professional life in his blog. Blogging is a lifestyle to be cultivating and nurturing content to go about building a community of readers with a solid connection and two – way benefit, where the blogger provides relevant content and readers is created accompany him on the trip taking with a range of knowledge. Continue reading 10 Points they have in common all successful bloggers→
Part of the strategy of large companies in the Internet world is launching into the mobile market. Smartphones and tablets are becoming more mainstream, consumers spend more time with them and companies are therefore increasingly interested in using them as a key to reach them. Therefore, Internet companies are trying to position themselves in the market for mobile ads. And some are faring quite well: Facebook is the one who is becoming the most serious threat to Google in the field of mobile advertising and who just released financial results that point that goes in the right direction in this area.
The social network has already achieved quite remarkable strengthening of the volume of consumers who access their services from mobile devices. According to data just presented, associated with the last quarter of 2014, the social network has 500 million users accessing via mobile and only from that device. Given that total has 1.190 million active users, the number of mobile only consumers is quite striking. Arguably little less than half of its users access through one of those screens. Continue reading 69% of the advertising revenue generated from Facebook and mobile devices→
All the diversity of entrepreneurs who can get to know, always stand out mainly by some of these facets:
– Development of product or service, rather, the technological part
– Marketing and sales associated with the business itself
– Operations in generating new business
In none of these 3, there are always exceptions with regard to the entrepreneurial profile, highlight managerial skills where we can fit all the financial part of the business that wanted to rise. A good entrepreneur must and needs to know perfectly as the euro move on their balance financial and power radiographies correctly what state the company to determine the measures to take and move forward. These x-rays can be outlined the invaluable help of some key financial concepts. Continue reading The concepts and financial mistakes that every entrepreneur should know→
The displays or advertising banners seems that eventually is suffering some wear. In the 90 was the main strategy for an advertiser on the internet but as expected, have emerged new sophisticated tools that have shifted the display: Google AdWords, Facebook ads….
The main brakes are a display campaign:
We must make an attractive design and is an added expense entry.
The CTR (% impressions / clicks%) tend to be lower than a text ad on google adwords.
No longer a “push” marketing action the user is not looking for that product at that time.
Before moving on to list those for me are the 10 points they have in common all successful entrepreneurs, I would define two previous questions you should ask anyone who wants totake right before doing so. The answers to these two questions are what will hold everything you do and then define your personal identity as an entrepreneur:
Why you embark if necessity or just for money you have a problem because these reasons will vanish if you find work for example. There must be a genuine and noble reason to hold all future adversities.
What is your main goal? What is success for you? This part is also very important because success is not the same for everyone. For some respect and prestige they are above some monetary goals or scope of the project.
If we define preliminarily the word “outsider” would be the person who observes a group from outside. It has also been coined this concept in other areas such as in the political arena. An Evo Morales will also be called “outsider” when he came to power in Bolivia coming from outside because of discontent that had the political class.
The important role of the “outsiders” in the business world
There are certain sectors, we could say most classic cut, that are flawed and numbed because longer meet the needs of the parties or incumbents. A toxic circle of immobility in which innovation is not contemplated is generated and has no place because to a few they not want to leave your area or comfort or want to defend their interests at any cost. It also gives some thinkers sector itself occasionally try to propose new sources of knowledge or ways to advance new ideas but that toxic circle handles quickly dismantle these “uncomfortable” proposals. Continue reading The power of the “outsiders” as a sector can be changed from outside→
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