Category Archives: Business

Competitiveness in times of crisis

In these times of crisis, which present the economies of our American countries, entrepreneurs are continually asking what to do ?, to, first, survive and secondly, to obtain results that allow them to grow. Of course, the first thing is first, that’s why they need to survive first. It is known, therefore, that to survive we need to be competitive. If we can not do it, we will not survive. Continue reading Competitiveness in times of crisis

The dart in the bullseye, or how to make an effective e-mail

E-mail marketing is without a doubt one of the most effective resources to connect directly with the client. It allows you to send the message directly to your hands. It depends on you to welcome it willingly, or directly repudiate it. To promote success, it is important that you take care of the following aspects: Continue reading The dart in the bullseye, or how to make an effective e-mail

What are the reasons that lead us to follow the brands?

What are the reasons that lead us to press “Like” on the page of a trademark on Facebook? There can be many: from the mere sympathy for the product they offer to the prescription of it by one of our digital friends. But I think there are four points that lead us to follow something in social networks and can be used by brands to gain followers. Of these, some are strategic issues that virtually any brand can apply. Continue reading What are the reasons that lead us to follow the brands?

Mobile advertising opens gap between small and medium-sized enterprises

According to data from a recent survey carried out by Pontiflex, 49% of SMEs plan to take the mobile into account in their marketing plan next year.

It is possible to say that those SMEs that already have experience in this environment, will continue to rely on it in the next financial year. Among the companies surveyed, 72% of those already investing in mobile advertising intend to maintain the same level of investment in this medium, while the rest are planning to increase their share by 30%. Continue reading Mobile advertising opens gap between small and medium-sized enterprises

5 Smart Ways to Use Your Content

I will not discover the usefulness of content generation as a marketing strategy. Not even the importance of Inbound Marketing as a paradigm shift in the relationship between companies and their customers (current and potential).

I am much more interested in inquiring and sharing with you, some important aspects for the next step to generating content. Because I am convinced that the content alone, however good it may be; is useless and will be lost with total security, in the immensity of data that are generated by the second on the Internet. Continue reading 5 Smart Ways to Use Your Content

Are you contemplating starting a home business owner?

You will need to demonstrate that what you did while driving increased your business profits.

Make sure you’re able to say what your home business with a few choice words.This will also helps generate a slogan and make sure important points about your business are covered.

Take some breaks during the day, but don’t get sucked into the activities that you may find around your home. Don’t start painting a bathroom or talk on the phone for long periods of time. Continue reading Are you contemplating starting a home business owner?

The big brands suspend in customer service through the Social Media

A new experiment goes back to show how even the big brands ignore the requests of their customers through social networks. 

This experiment, carried out by Software Advice in collaboration with CIO, was intended to verify the efficiency, quality and speed of the customer service of the major brands of mass consumption. To this end, 14 leading companies were selected as representatives of 7 important sectors, such as fast food, beverages, retail, technology, financial services or personal care.  Continue reading The big brands suspend in customer service through the Social Media

The content in social networks must start from the corporate identity of the brand

Undoubtedly, the management of communities in social networks is often quite complex. If already working with audiences – or markets, depending on the case – from the traditional media is complex, even more so in the new media, where we no longer refer only to the active subjects, as for some time we have revealed the studies In communication, but rather interactive, which allows us to start from a different reality in the strategic approach of such management. Continue reading The content in social networks must start from the corporate identity of the brand